Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Clever promo for one of the newest movie in the Jurassic Park franchise: Jurassic World Domination. Or, what happens when dumbasses think it's a great idea to bring the Dinos back to life. This, on top of other dumbasses who think creating an artificial life form is a wonderful thing. You guys didn't watch Terminator did you? Same hubris at work in both cases: "oh, we can control them".

It's been out for a year now-I hadn't heard about it or was so disinterested that it simply didn't register.

There is a whiff of VR about this and I wondered if there was some kind of licensing synergy with META. Our boy Zuck has bet the farm on VR and the shareholders are getting antsy with the recent negative revenue spiral. Sho'nuff-Oculus (now Quest), META's VR division, released a VR game called Jurassic World Aftermath. Reviews were at best "Meh" mainly because people expected to be blown away and, much to Zucky's disappointment, they were not.

PS. I decided to watch it. Nice visuals. It's pretty much Godzilla with the world in a uproar whether or not humans can live with the Dinos. Scientists for whom this is catnip for study vs a huge chunk of the world who shudder and vote to kill 'em all. I made it through 12:23 when the story shifted to a dino round-up featuring some cowboy hunk doing a Blazing Saddles hootin' n' hollerin', whipping his mount and urging his compadres-"let's get'em boys". 

Oy, this one's gonna stink.

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