Saturday, April 8, 2023


Spring is finally here. We've been teased by her shyness, a few promising days of warmth, signs have been revealed with crocus blooming, maples are in red bud. Old Man Winter had lingered before begrudgingly shouldering his rucksack and headed back North. Spring came on strong this past week with big T-storms and heavy rains, which we are all grateful for. It had been a dry Winter. A stretch of 70's is promised for the upcoming week and the power of Spring's awakening will be felt by all living things.   

Last night was a lovely early Spring evening. The water had significantly receded in the Back 40 and although the North wind was a bit nippy, the sun was warm. There has been an increasing choir of birds, lobbying for mates and just singing for the joy of it. I spotted new arrivals up in the birch:

Goldfinches and a soon departing Junco

Mamachuck was out and about. Her apartment #1 had been flooded and I think the Western entrance is dryer.

She came out to the Diner for a snack and was joined by one of the siblings.

The squirrels had been busy all day and in fact I saw all 3 of last year's siblings, snacking at the Diner and chasing each other around the yard. Of course, Stubbs came over to the slider to lobby for peanuts as well as to torment Buddy. Another nose to nose standoff ensued. I began to research some sort of screen guard for the slider as I think the potential of Buddy blowing through it in pursuit of fulfulling his duty as DHS is quite high. 

Mr. Big Bun and M/M Redbird stopped by to dine. A little chipper skirted the outskirts looking for a stray peanut. The yard was filled with our friends, gathering for a meal and a chat, all thankful to have survived Winter and looking forward to the bounty provided by the mother of us all.

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