Friday, April 14, 2023


We're in a four day stretch of temps in the 80's!!

Daffs in full bloom

As are the forsythia-these are one-year olds in Back 40

Ms. Forsythia out front-a bit sparse this year 

We reckon this is probably the earliest Spring meal on the deck we've ever had.

Magnolia blossom from outside of Bessey Hall where C works

Buddy has been increasingly curious about the outdoors. When it first became warm, we opened the slider and windows and figured he would be raring to go. Instead the sudden increase of smells and sounds overwhelmed and freaked him out. He was restless and mewing, sure signs of anxiety we've learned. C moved a chair by a window so he could get onto the sill.

While we were eating, he sat by the screened slider watching us. I left the screen open for him for a bit but later closed it for he did not move. It was as if there was some force field keeping him inside. He settled down into a hen pose but then it seems he was working up the courage to come out. He began to meow at us so I reopened the screen door.
Finally, he stepped out.

It's typical of Buddy to perform these moonshots whether it's finally coming upstairs or going outside. He may be tentative at first but then he will move forward with leaps and bounds. 
It was curious to watch him at work: first, he explored the diner, bird bath and shed areas, but then checked out what he could not see from the living room like the area behind the shed. He nosed around out of sight with us nervously watching until I went by the far side of the shed and he moved back towards the pool.
This, did not go unnoticed:
Sky was high up in the small birch, tail switching and uttering squirrel warning calls-CAT! PREDATOR! BABY KILLER!
He was quite unhappy. 
Meanwhile, Buddy was checking out under the pool deck-a favorite hanging out place and path for a number of critters as it's in shadow. He was rather systematic, creating a scent memory and went all the way around the pool, again, to places unseen from the house.
Who's been here?

A tiger in our backyard. His mouth is open "tasting" the air known as the flehmen response. This tasting the air action is a highly adapted way of detecting subtle chemical markers called pheromones.

Next stop: the East garden where he made it as far as the catmint. He absolutely adores the stuff-rolling in it, rubbing it on his chin and cheeks and chowing down on the leaves. Being a worried Dad and not knowing if the name of the plant referred to it's odor which is a bit like cat pee or if cats like it, I quickly looked it up and with relief read that catmint leads to a euphoric, hyperactive state.
After a good 10 minutes, he finally wandered back over to the shed and began to explore the apartments. Oh no! Mamachuck is living in #1 and Stampy sometimes in #3 or 4. He went all the way in to the West in #1 and exited East via #4. Whew! No one was home. His farthest exploration West was the garage back door. He came and sat on the pool deck steps...
and disappeared. 
Well, we were in a quandary-should we track him down or just let him explore. We walked the entire yard-C was anxious, I put my arm around her and told her this was like our boy's first solo outing on his bike. Let's clear the table, keep an eye out and watch some Simps. After about an hour, we were calling it a night as C had an early start in the morning. She went out into the deck and called for him. After a couple of minutes we spotted him in the East garden looking like he was getting into stalking mode. C broke his concentration and he wandered over and followed her to the deck. She dashed inside for some treats and finally, Buddy came through the slider. His first outing completed. Well done Buddy!
We were relieved as we both said that we probably would not have slept with him still outside. C went to bed and I stayed up for a bit to let the Melatonin kick in. Buddy had gotten a nice snack and was mewing a bit because he really wanted some Momluv but was happy to hang out with Dad. He rolled on my feet and got belly rubs. Finally drowsy, I headed to bed. Luckily, he was fairly quiet during night. 

So, Bertram Longfellow takes another big step/giant leap in his life with us. Tonight is going to be another supper outside so we will invite him out if he wishes. We are going to try to introduce him to the portal and get him using it so he will be well on his way to being an indoor/outdoor katter.



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