Saturday, April 15, 2023


Last night we managed (with help of treats) to introduce Buddy to the portal. One problem was apparent: we need a bigger portal and weight loss isn't going to solve it-the Budster is just a big cat. So, a new one is on it's way.

We went about our usual evening business of yoga and making supper. Since Buddy had established his perimeter last night, tonight he began investigating more closely the details of his realm, sniffing and scenting as he walked. He took a break and did some stretches with C as she did deck yoga. During supper, we witnessed Lord Bertram in his first sortie as DHS as he encountered one of the squirrels at the diner. They squared off, eye to eye about 3 feet apart, for a minute before Bertram started to move slowly towards the squirrel. The squirrel immediately retreated up the pool stairs, up onto the railing and ran as far as the railing would take him clear on the other side of the pool. Bertram unhurriedly climbed the stairs and at the top, could see his adversary. He sat for a moment then seeing us at the table, came down the stairs. He approached C, proudly striding and chirruping, and received scritches and a belly rub.

C's take on this: "It was as if I had taken my 4 year old boy for his first visit to a playground. He refused to hold onto my hand as we approached side by side. He stopped at the perimeter for a few beats, assessing the situation: lots of kids, all of them strangers then went on in. His first exchange with a group of boys who were tossing around a ball, went his way. It wasn't a fight, just a few words said pertaining to the game and eventually, the boys included him. He played for a bit then walked back to me, grinning, and allowed me to hug him. He felt he had earned it."

At some point, Lord Bertram returned to the catmint, evidently having instantly taken to the habit, which many young men his age do. He also sampled some long grass that had quickly grown with the rain and heat. He chased off another squirrel, this one from Benny's and sent him up a tree.

Unlike the previous night when we lured him back into the house, we left him outside when we retired. This morning, C reported that she had awakened around 2am, and spotted him on the front porch. He balked at using the portal so she let him into through the front door. She gave him a snack and scritches and he went back out. When she got up at 6 am, she let him in via the slider, fed him and he got some laptime for an hour. He was mewing to be let out and so he was when I got up at 8.

It's 83 degrees and possible T-storms may come our way this evening. I went out on the deck and called for him and he immediately emerged from the cool shadows under the pool deck. Tough to be wearing fur pajamas in this heat. I gave him a snack and we hung out together in the Great Room. After a good belly rub, he stretched out on the table to kept an eye on things. Duty calls.


1 comment:

  1. The first photo has an interesting mood -- the lightning on the side of the face. Something reminds me of the painting "Nighthawks."
