Monday, April 24, 2023



From an afternoon last week-after a long day and night, Buddy was pooped and stretched out next to me for a good 3 hour rest. At one point, I think he was dreaming: one of his front paws, the claws were opening and closing while his chin trembled as if he was meowing.

Buddy discovered rain a few evenings ago. It began to sprinkle hard while he was on the deck. I watched from the slider as he reacted to this near invisible, wet presence touched him. After a minute, I asked him if he wanted to come in. Without hesitation he came in and set about licking the wetness off his fur while complaining "meow meow meow I'd like to talk to a manager about this". He got over it after 5 minutes and went back to the slider. It was coming down pretty good at that point and I told him he probably would not like to go back out for a bit. I bet the moisture in the air changed how things smelled, perhaps enhancing it. Finally, the shower passed and I let him out, which lasted about 2 minutes. He was back in grumbling about his wet feet but of course in another 2 minutes he wanted out again. (Life is good when you have a doorman). I said to him "look dude, the deck is dry along the wall because of the roof overhang. Just stay there and you'll have the best of both worlds: outside and dry". He got it right away. We continue to say, "he's a bright lad, that one".
A regular Pavarotti
I was on the couch with a sleeping Bud while C was doing her yoga when I heard a male cardinal let loose a two-tone call that lasted 8-10 repetitions. Wow! Not only a call for the ladies but also a signal to any rivals. "If any of you want to match this, please step up".
Yeah, this guy is gonna be a real dick at the bar tonight. 
A human version: 

From 1981
You act like you were just born tonightFace down in a memory but feeling all rightSo, who does your past belong to today?Baby, you don't say nothing when you're feeling this way
Girls in the bars thinking who is this guyBut they don't think nothing when they're telling you liesYou look so careless when they're shooting that bullDon't you know heartaches are heroes when their pockets are full
Tell me you're trying to cure a seven-year acheSee what else your old heart can takeBoys say, "When is he gonna give us some room"The girls say, "God, I hope he comes back soon"
And everybody's talking but you don't hear a thingYou're still uptown on your downhill swingThe boulevard's empty, why don't you come around?Baby, what is so great about sleeping downtown?
There's plenty of dives to be someone you're notJust say you're looking for something you might have forgotDon't bother calling to say you're leaving alone'Cause there's a fool on every corner when you're trying to get home
Just tell 'em you're trying to cure a seven-year acheSee what else your old heart can takeBoys say, "When is he gonna give us some room"But the girls say, "God, I hope he comes back soon"
Tell me you're trying to cure a seven-year acheSee what else your old heart can takeBoys say, "When is he gonna give us some room"The girls say, "God, I hope he comes back soon"
You can tell that the end of term is near. I was driving C into work when Dean Martin's "That's Amore" came on the radio. She quickly broke into song:
"When an eel bites your toe and nibbles your nose,
that's a moray"
Seen while out and about: company van for mosquito sprayers had painted on the sides: mosquito and vegitative control. Yessir, git dem veggies under control! 

I was getting into my car in the Kroger parking lot. As I fired the engine up, I glanced over to the car next to me passenger side and saw this:
Not a person mind you, but a decal on the driver's side window. Not Jason Statham as pictured above either-more scruffy, thinner, MMA type of guy. Anyway, I wondered how the cops would react when they encountered this during a traffic stop. Bad enough with these cars with the deeply tinted windows. One wonders about the motivation of the driver-just messing with the cops or a deliberate provocation? I dunno but I would say it substantially raises the odds of getting shot.
More bad subtitles: I was watching on YT a show that featured very large sculptures. This one is in Sri Lanka, a 46 foot tall depiction of the Avunkana Buddha from the 5th Century.
The subtitle described this as the Avocado Buddha. 

Pre-COVID joke from 2012. I was watching a cooking show on YT making pizza sauce. The chef was using his hands to crush the whole San Marzano tomatoes and said:
To those who are saying: 
 "ewww, he's touching those with his bare hands. I don't want to eat that pizza." 
You need to relax. Those same hands kneaded and stretched the dough as well. You have an immune system. Use it!"

1 comment:

  1. Most people don't know this, but that Buddha is actually carved from an avocado pit.
