Saturday, April 8, 2023



C bought a jackfruit BBQ sandwich from one of her favorite vegan restaurant. While enjoyable, she felt it didn't pull off the "cowoid" experience-texture was fine but the flavor was still fruity. Sounds like the chef used older, ripe fruit than green which, according to online blurb, has a neutral flavor.


Buddy is proving to be a Morris about toys: very finicky.


Curious cooking vid with no voice-over and showing only hands throughout the entire show. Evidently made by someone who prefers anonymity and wishes the focus to be on her love of baking and sharing it instead of herself.


I was listening to NPR on April 4th, the 55th anniversary of MLK's assassination when I was shocked to hear the King's mother was also assassinated. Did I forget about this? It felt like I was just hearing about it. 

Mrs. King, middle, next to her son's wife Coretta.
From Wiki:

Alberta Williams King was shot and killed on June 30, 1974, aged 69, by Marcus Wayne Chenault, a 23-year-old Black man from Ohio who had adopted the theology of the Black Hebrew Israelites. Chenault's mentor, Hananiah Israel of Cincinnati, castigated Black civil rights activists and Black church leaders as being evil and deceptive, but claimed in interviews not to have advocated violence. Chenault did not draw any such distinction, and first decided to assassinate Rev. Jesse Jackson in Chicago, but canceled the plan at the last minute.

Two weeks later he set out for Atlanta, where he shot Alberta King with two handguns as she sat at the organ of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Chenault said that he shot King because "all Christians are my enemies," and claimed that he had decided that Black ministers were a menace to Black people. He said his original target had been Martin Luther King Sr., but he had decided to shoot King's wife instead because she was near him. He also killed one of the church's deacons, Edward Boykin, in the attack and wounded retired schoolteacher Jimmie Mitchell in the neck.

Black Hebrew Israelites are a new religious movement claiming that African Americans are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Black Hebrew Israelites are not associated with the mainstream Jewish community, and they do not meet the criteria that are used to identify people as Jewish by the Jewish community. They are also outside the fold of mainstream Christianity.


An arctic fox beginning to shed her winter coat.


It's egg time in Mallard Duck world and they will seek out a small body of water near where they nest. I have noticed that sometimes they make bad decisions and chose a puddle that will evaporate long before the kids hatch. I can hear the argument now between the couple: the male proud that he found something secluded and exclusive and the female less than thrilled with hubby's choice."What were you thinking?"
For several years now, we have a couple who nest somewhere to the East but stop at both our diner and Benny's. I was concerned when I saw them in the Back 40 during the big rains but they didn't stay. Perhaps they were reliving past springs and past temporary ponds at my place. When there haven't been ponds, I have seen them floating around in the water on top of the pool's winter cover.

Something new to worry about: a tick whose bite can produce an allergy in humans to red meat. The Lone Star tick has Alpha-gal, a sugar that causes the problem. Mammalian red meat also contains Alpha-gal so our system gets overloaded and our immune system kicks in hence the reaction. According to the Mayo Clinic:

"Symptoms of alpha-gal syndrome may lessen or even disappear over time. This is especially true if you don't get any more bites from ticks that carry alpha-gal. Some people with this condition can eat mammal food products again after 1 to 2 years if they don't get any more tick bites".

Lone Star ticks aren't here yet but with climate change, they will probably move to our state eventually. If it becomes too widespread, I guess folks will have to eat only avian meat or become vegetarian.

In a nod to Margaret Atwood's novel Oryx and Crake, one can imagine eco-terrorists who want the mammalian meat industry to collapse, infiltrate Pepsi and Coke bottling plants and switch out the artificial sweeteners with Alpha-gal sugar to induce widespread allergic reactions in the public. 

Seen while out and about:

Tes Randle Jolly

I was visiting the East Lansing Recycling Center and in an adjacent unplowed crop field was a large flock of turkeys. There were about 25 individuals, pretty much evenly divided between the genders now that they have come out of their Winter flocking which is usually single gendered. Now, it's egg making time! The Toms had their tail feathers fanned and it looked like a mixer: have some hors d'oeuvres of whatever seeds are left on the ground from the harvest and mingle to see who looks hot. The thought of eggs made me realize: I've never seen turkey eggs for sale at the market! Well, enquiring minds needed to know so I looked it up. It's a matter of economics (what isn't?): turkeys lay maybe one egg per week, a chicken one per day. It's just not cost effective.

Fun fact I did not know: Mature adult males are Toms, juvenile males are Jakes.

I was walking out of the Grand Ledge Meijer during last week's spate of stormy weather, when I saw a cloud like this, running North/South, from horizon to horizon. I think it was related to a roll cloud, which are caused by a downdraft from an advancing storm causing moist warm air to rise, cool below its dew point and form a cloud. When this happens uniformly along an extended front, a roll cloud may form. They are not, however, part of a storm itself.

I was sitting in the patio at El Az for lunch the other day. It was well after the noon hour and I had the joint to myself except for an old lady who was at the bar. She had finished her meal and was drinking margaritas watching the old soap The Young and The Restless. Now, I've never been a fan of soaps-drama, drama, drama between good looking, well-dressed upper class people who generally are not very nice. You know the trope: the men are scheming assholes and the women are scheming bitches. It is so over the top with face-slapping and the inevitable drink being flung into someone's snout that I was quietly chuckling as I ate. There appeared someone familiar and I was gobsmacked: it was an actor from an old mid-60's show The Rat Patrol! I knew the guy had gotten this gig sometime ago and here he was! Still alive! The gentleman in question is Hans Gudegast later Eric Braeden, who played the German nemesis to the plucky Allied heroes who roamed North Africa in their cool jeeps loaded with a 50 cal mounted in back raising cain behind the lines. The American commander was played by Christopher George.

Mr. Braeden, now 82 years old, began his tenure at TYATR in 1980 portraying the self-made business magnate Victor Newman. Wow, 43 years!

Lord Bertram Longfellow, Director of Homeland Security, on duty keeping an eye out for that damn tree rodent, Stubbs who was on the deck earlier. 

A friend of ours had flown out to CA to visit friends for Passover. After flight delays due to the crazy thunderstorms that pushed her arrival back a day, she arrived to end up dealing with a 5 year old girl who wanted to kill her 11 year old brother with a knife and had made a drawing of it. It is not known what grievances there were between the siblings but I imagine it was not the sort of relaxing time she was hoping for. Kids...

A Japanese burial mound known as Kofun. Pictured above is the largest-Daisen Kofun-from 5 century CE. This style was used from 3rd Century-7th Century CE. There are 161,560 Kofun throughout the Japanese Archipelago all bearing this distinctive keyhole design.

This is the lighthouse on the Bird Island Nature Reserve off Lamberts Bay, South Africa. Built in 1898, it sits on 47 acres that is one of 6 breeding colonies for the Cape Gannet. Thousands of birds stop by and one can only imagine the amount of noise that they create. I wonder if at sometime in history, employment ads mentioned that interested parties should be hard of hearing otherwise the keeper might be susceptible to alcoholism and even madness because of the incessant racket during mating/hatching season. They didn't have earbuds back then.


From Wiki:

STEVE ("Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement") is an atmospheric optical phenomenon hat appears as a purple and green light ribbon in the sky, named in late 2016 by aurora watchers from Alberta, Canada. According to analysis of satellite data from the European Space Agency's Swarm mission, the phenomenon is caused by a 25 km (16 mi) wide ribbon of hot plasma at an altitude of 450 km (280 mi), with a temperature of 3,000 °C (3,270 K; 5,430 °F) and flowing at a speed of 6 km/s (3.7 mi/s) (compared to 10 m/s (33 ft/s) outside the ribbon). The phenomenon is not rare, but had not been investigated and described scientifically prior to that time.

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