Tuesday, March 7, 2023


Big day for the Big Guy: C's pal Chana was coming to visit for a art project session and supper so naturally I had the noise machine aka vacuum cleaner out. Buddy stood his ground and didn't flee. I just went through the Library and made sure I didn't make a menacing move towards him. Mr. Courageous let us come within a couple of feet before he backed away and went over by the slider. Brave Buddy!

When Chana arrived he went under C's bed and C and Chana poked their noses under the covers to say hello. Within a couple of hours, Buddy was by the bedroom threshold and sat there while Chana approached to make contact. She was able to give him a chin scritch. Before suppertime, we were on the couches by the fire, Bud came out and did his wild animal routine: take a couple of steps forward and a couple back. Repeat only getting closer with each cycle. Finally, Chana was allowed to give him a nice long back pet. While we were eating, he hung out on the loveseat. That was pretty quick progress compared to our early experiences and this was his first friendly, safe encounter with another human besides Mom and Dad. Well done Bertram!

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