Saturday, March 4, 2023


Rick Wiley

The system that brought snow to LA moved on to Tucson where my brother and his wife live. They reported that they received 2" of snow on March 2. The photo above was taken in the Santa Catalina foothills just north of where they live. Considering they only receive about 12" of rain per year, this will help. Today it will be in the 60's and sunny and everything will melt. It will seem like a dream.

More so than our other cats, Buddy exhibits crepucularism or becoming active primarily in twilight. Being of predator stock, he fires up and checks out all the windows he can access to see what's happenin'. This joins the list of other behaviors that signal he is closer to his wilder self than the others. 

Once it darkens out, say a half hour, he'll come out of this twilight fever and settle down usually getting belly rubs from Mom. 

All hail, mighty hunter! 

A fav of mine from 1991, a ridiculous cartoon called Ren & Stimpy. Ren is a psychotic, ill-tempered chihuahua dog and his buddy Stimpy, a good-natured but dim Manx cat. This clip is a good example of the typically over the top stories and the series was short-lived due to its violence, sexual innuendos, dark humor and adult humor which didn't set well with the standards and practices of Nickelodeon who broadcasted it. In this scene, Ren comes home in a filthy mood. His cousin Sven is there hanging out with Stimpy and Ren discovers what they've been up to all day-generally they messed with his stuff which of course, Ren is quite anal about. Enraged, he decides to take revenge. Check out the entire clip here:

Mr. and Mrs. Redbird (Slick and Iona) are one of our most consistent customers at the diner. As the day approaches twilight and most have gone home, the Redbirds stop by nearly every day, rain or shine. Yesterday as the winter storm arrived was no exception. Tough birds!

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