Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Billy Idol with his patented Elvis sneer. 

I was YT surfing and came across the old vid of Billy Idol's "Dancing With Myself" (1981) and was surprised to see, in this futuristic setting, ZOMBIES! Yep, long before modern culture became obsessed with the Zombie Apocalypse.


This surreal ad turned up on YT. The gentleman greets the animated bee and the woman inquires. "Oh, this is Buzz and he appears everytime you eat Honey Nut Cheerios" her friend replies. 

Man, I do not want this to happen!! Things are strange enough with Roach talking about Freedom cities and flying cars for crying out loud. Really? You eat something and some animated creature appears? WTF!!

The gentleman reminds me of Family Guy's Cleveland Brown:

Evidently, Mr. Buzz has been an animated mascot for Cheerios since the '80s. I've forgotten about it as I haven't eaten any version of Cheerios since I was a kid. Neva cared for them. And I have not really kept up with popular stuff having cut the cable c. 2006. Gee, the things I have missed.

Seen while out and about: a bumper sticker in memoriam with a image of a lady bug and the name Lena "Bug" (last name) and life dates. She lived only 5 years. 

I was behind a small SUV at a long stoplight and in the backseat were 2 youngish dogs: a yellow lab and a German shepherd. What was notable was that each had his head outside through the backseat window-lab to the left, shepherd to the right. Like the car had dog ears. The shepherd elbowed his way over to the left and joined the lab sticking his head out the window as well. One can imagine the conversation:

Lab: Bruh!-come over and smell this!

Shep: Ohhhhh dude, that's top shelf! What is that?

Lab: Tangy Crab man, Tangy Crab

Shep: (Homer S shudder) oohhh tangy crab. Grease and fish!

Lab: Dude! You're drooling on the window!


Malian guitarist Ali Farka Toure's "Heygana". Killer opening licks launching into a hypnotic rhythm. One can hear the living roots of American Black Music from the Delta to Memphis to Chicago.

Unlike our other 3 cats, Buddy is entranced by the fire. C notes that it's another example of him responded to his wilder instincts-the fire seems alive: it moves and it's warm.
Opening lines of Hernán Zin's 2018 doc "Dying To Tell" concerning the experiences of Spanish war journalists who covered conflicts across the planet.
"In war, a week is a whole life condensed.
There's no tricks, no masks.
There's excitement, ecstasy
There's fear, moral commitment, empathy.
But without denying the essence of life
Everything is random and fleeting.
And that's very attractive."

There is something quite enduring and poignant about C and her favorite coffee cup featuring Lisa Simpson with her Angela Davis/Gloria Steinem Right On! fist in the air declaration that she is a Smart Girl and Lisa's joyous pride and comfort with that fact. 
A wellness strategy for her on many 5 am mornings, waking up to a warming cup of joe and this affirmation. Smart, proud and worthy. For a woman, a smart woman with a PH.d, a daughter of a malignant narcissist.
I've noticed many times where lazy subtitlers describe any background noise as "applause." Now, perhaps it's a ESL issue but with the frequency of the occurrence, one would think someone would have pointed it out. After all, the subs exist in part for the hearing challenged. You can imagine the perplexing and sometimes hilarious circumstances. I just saw one for an English period drama in a transition outdoor scene where there is no dialogue, just the clip clop of horse's hooves and the bleating of sheep which were described as (applause)!
Buddy's tabby lineage goes back to the first group of wild cats (felis silvertris) who began to live with humans perhaps 10,000 years ago so he has many, many years of remembered experience embeded on how to deal with the Apes. His stripes are magnificent.
I've never had a cat who enjoyed mutual cheek bunting like this guy. Only Bin would get this close but preferred sitting on my chest. 
Curiously, unlike the crew and especially Bin, Bertram does not care to eat the "ends" of a can of food. C  thought the crew viewed this as an extra treat or like kids licking the frosting beaters. Nope, not our boy. He'll walk away. Perhaps out of a can is how he was fed during the traumatic years. 
He continues to join Mom during her yoga sessions and in fact, is beginning to take on the role of trainer. When she is on her back and doing a bridge pose, he'll climb up on her tummy-all 14.5 lbs of him. "Ok Mom, a little bit of weight resistance, let's do a set of 15 pelvic thrusts!"
He's just adorable. I'm a few steps closer to grasping how woman fall in love with their babies. It's something men can never truly know. The closest we come is the connection to the child who came as a result of our sperm. This pales in comparison to the Mom who carried and sustained the baby for nine months inside her body.
2057-The Minister of AR (AI relations) Elizabethe 2MB41-AR1ZA wearing a vintage Demna Balenciaga designer coat from his Winter 2020 collection.
Another black squirrel stopped in at the diner. Smaller than the one featured on the Equinox post. A female? Wife of Kieran?
C gave a reading at Women's Voices, Women's Visions on 3/20. It was held at and sponsored by the First Congregational  United Church of Christ in Charlotte. All participants received a card of thanks and a packet of unidentified seeds. Curious, we thought. I wonder if it's a metaphor-to take that leap of faith, plant the seed and witness the rewards of its growth? 

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