Sunday, June 19, 2022


A steady stream of folks were in line to partake the waters at the bath where both drinking and bathing were allowed. All classes and races ate at the communal counter that was at elevation. At ground level, all were welcome as well. Where you ate was simply a matter of personal choice and comfort.

Occasionally, larger beings happened by for a meal, upsetting no one or even provoking skittishness. There seemed to be some mutual agreement between everyone to "chill, there's plenty for all and no one is looking to pick a fight".

The air was filled with song depending which groups lived in the area. Layers of sound: close, nearby and distant which changed as the singers moved around the neighborhood. This continued all afternoon while business waxed and waned. The giants were about but few thought it was cause for alarm.

As twilight approached, the number of participants dwindled at the bath and counter. The singing died down as well until there was only some persistent chap who just had to get the last word in before ceding the air waves to the night folks.

1 comment:

  1. We're the happening place for the wildlife!
