Saturday, June 11, 2022


Our neighbors across the street both retired in the first week  of January 2022. Avid travelers, now free of work and Covid restraints, have been jetting frequently all year. We ran into them while they were walking down our quiet street and they told us about their latest adventure: The Mystery Trip. Evidently, this concept has been around for a while. The company gathers a lot of data from their clients: likes, dislikes, tolerances, where they been and where they wanna go etc. Based on this, they come up with a trip with a special kicker-in two weeks you will go on the trip. We won't reveal your destination until the day before when we text you. Details to follow. 

I immediately thought of an old variant of Wheel of Fortune: a monkey throws a dart at a map and that's where you are going! The new! improved! modern! version let's you set parameters such as my friends case, limiting the destination to just the U.S. Then the AI chimp let's 'er rip!

Pretty inventive but not for a travel chicken like myself. I can go full Woody Allen with this: What if the AI has a glitch or a nervous breakdown from overwork? You have signed a contract and are obliged to to go where AI has decided. What if it's some malarial backwater in Louisana or...Des Moines? 

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