Sunday, October 15, 2023



If you enjoyed Charlie Kaufman's "Being John Malkovich", and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", consider checking out this film from 2006. A IRS auditor finds himself accompanied by a narrator that only he can hear. This guy is one part math savant (can do huge multiplications in his head) and one part OCD with numbers (counts how many times he brushes horizontally, then vertically) with dash of autism spectrum (cluelessly awkward in social situations) where routine is king.

Will Ferrell stars as the IRS agent, Maggie Gyllenhaal as a baker he audits, Emma Thompson is an author with writer's block with Queen Latifah as her assistant,  Dustin Hoffman (hello, Rain Man!) is a professor and Tom Hulce (Amadeus!) has a bit as a IRS supervisor/HR and Linda Hunt (Year of Living Dangerously) plays a shrink.

Strange, surreal, hilarious, poignant, biting social satire-you gotta pay attention because there's all sorts of bits going on. One of the more complex films I have seen in sometime but for me and C, ultimately quite enjoyable.


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