Wednesday, October 4, 2023



The shaded areas are disputed territories

Known today as the War of the Triple Alliance 1864-70, began with a conflict over territory between Paraguay and Brazil. Soon, two other neighbors, Argentina and Uruguay joined Brazil. The actual Paraguayan loss of life has been subject of controversy over the years. Best modern estimate put its prewar population of approximately 525,000 which was reduced to about 221,000 in 1871, of which only about 28,000 were men. Illness, and starvation were the cause of most deaths; this along with fighting, claimed nearly 90% of the male population.

Paraguay began the war with a large standing army but due to strategic blunder by President and Field Commander Francisco Solano López Carrillo at the Battle of Tuyutí on May 24, 1866 left half of his army dead or wounded. Due to the swampy battle site where burial was impossible, cremation was tried but unsuccessful. It was reported that the Paraguayan dead wouldn't burn because they were so lean. No fat due to near-starvation.

After this battle, the Paraguayans conducted guerilla raids and kept fighting until March 1, 1870 when President Lopez was killed at the Battle of Cerro Cora and the war ended.

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