Thursday, October 12, 2023




10/5: The day-long rain yielded 3.6" at home. When I was out and about in the country, I saw 2 pair of Sand Hills in different fields. I wondered about our pair as we had not seen them in a while. The very next day, they were back grazing in the Farm Bureau field.

10/8: 36° this morning with light frost on the roofs. None on the grass 

10/12: Partly sunny, temps in high 50's. The last of the tomatoes:


Mr. Big Bun

 On the way to work 10/10:

Our Sandhills and geese having breakfast together behind us at the FB field.

The Gaylord Gladiator, a automobile I had never heard of.

In the middle 1950's, brothers Jim and Ed Gaylord whose father had an enormous fortune based on his invention of the Bobby Pin, wanted to create a lasting legacy. Their choice endeavor was to get into the ultra-luxury car business creating an American version of Rolls-Royce. By 1955, they introduced a singular prototype:

Several design features, notably the owl-eyed headlamps, were not well received so the car was retooled.

Only four vehicles including the original prototype were ever built. It is believed that only two are known to survive. Between the extreme cost of production and asking price ($200,000 today), lawsuits and anxiety, the project was abandoned. 

Such post-war dreams as this were not a one-off: in 1948, Preston Tucker produced 51 renditions of his Tucker 48 before his operations were shut down due to negative press from allegations of stock fraud. Tucker suspected that the Big 3 automakers and their friendly Michigan senator had a hand in his demise in order to quash any competition. Ahh, capitalism at its finest.

Seen while out and about: a bumper sticker

This is evidently a nationwide campaign featuring hip cat Scooter. A variant reads: "Hip spectacles, no testicles".

Well, this is nice for humans but I think those on the receiving end would beg to differ. My dear late friend Bin would become  enraged about his snip, snarling "Those bastards took my knackers" often slipping into a Tourette's state uttering things unprintable here. Retaining ones testicles is a big thing in male feline culture.

You know you are getting old and out of the loop when it comes to popular culture while searching YT for some mellow music and "mellow and sleazy" comes up. Well, you have to investigate. Turns out Mellow and Sleazy are a South African duo who perform in the dance/electronica genre.


From 1992, the hilarious Stray Cats video. Fabulous hair and guitar! 

Fun quote: The drummer, Slim Jim Phantom during an interview after the band broke up confessed that his first thought was "oh God, what am I going to do with all these tattoos?"

Bad editing: I came across a vid about Australian wombats where the on camera narrator is walking past a hill and announces that it is covered with animal feces of all kinds. I guess she felt it added some local flavor to the presentation.



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