Friday, October 27, 2023


I've noticed over the past couple of weeks that I have been losing more tithonia. It began with with losses from the August 24 storm. The latest downings seem motivated presumably for the seeds in the spent blooms and happen at night when we are asleep. Only squirrels and raccoons are big enough to topple and break the 2" thick stalks and I put my money on the coons. But if it is them, what is perplexing is why they have left the feeder alone for several weeks. Throughout the Spring and Summer, we had to bring it in nightly or the coons would manage to bring it down. One possibility:

Thanks to Bin's inter-species communication device, I sent out an inquiry and received a statement back from the raccoons:

"We have come to realize that our actions regarding the communal feeder are wrong. We regret that such actions have posed a threat to a valuable food source for so many communities especially as Winter draws near. We wish to atone for our thoughtless greediness and offer this repatriation, but know this: there is a price for everything in this world. So, we agree not to attack the communal feeder but we require compensation for our loss. In return, you sacrifice your sunflowers. We need to eat too".

Fair enough, I thought. The fact they even offered is honorable and thoughtful. It needs to be appreciated so I agreed to the terms. I gathered the downed stalks into a sunflower shock and put them out in the empty raised bed. It was toppled that evening but no matter, I laid the shock in the bed so they can reach the seeds with little effort.



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