Tuesday, March 12, 2024


From Wiki: Pareidolia is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one detects an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none. Pareidolia is a type of apophenia which is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things.

Common examples include perceived images of animals, faces, or objects in cloud formations; seeing faces in inanimate objects; or lunar pareidolia like the Man in the Moon or the Moon rabbit. The concept of pareidolia may extend to include hidden messages in recorded music played in reverse or at higher- or lower-than-normal speeds (famously, the Beatles) and hearing voices (mainly indistinct) or music in random noise, such as that produced by air conditioners or by fans.

Curious aspects of pareidolia:  once you see it, you cannot unsee it. The brain figures it out and puts it on file; research shows that faces tend to be identified as male.

Can't see it? Answers are at the bottom of post.




1. Eye in the draining dish water

2. Grumpy old man with beard plant in window

3. Facial profiles projected to the left of each post-it

4. Sleepy mug needs more coffee

5. Roof eyes keeping an eye on you, buster

6. Shadow face on the garage door

7. Dog's ear contains the same dog in another dimension. Hey Picasso!

8. Evil clown bacon-potentially huge marketing scheme!

9. Face trapped in icy drink

10. Two cargo jets sharing a post-flight laugh

11. Lady in White waterfall

12. Creatures in negative space gazing at each other's navel

13. The last image you see before you become a meal: the shark devil complete with fin horns

14. A very famous example of pareidolia: the "face on Mars"-many think this is a giant structure left by a past civilization




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