Friday, March 1, 2024


One day last week, I arrived early to pick C up at her office  It was warm and sunny so I decided to wait outside. Over the past weeks, I had been watching a giant snow pile slowly change. At one time, it must have been five feet high. Now, with the many warm days so early in the season, the pile was at best knee-high. I walked over and sat on a bench nearby between the river and the pile. The U was on Spring break so there was hardly anyone around. No wind to speak of and the sun was quite warm.  

Glad to see you're hanging in there I quietly murmured.  

Why thank you came a soft reply. I was quite startled to say the least. Relax, talk with your mind, no one will hear you the voice said soothingly. You know this after your years with your cat.

The voice was definitely feminine with a bit of a sing-songy pitch that flowed into my consciousness.

J-How do you know Bin?

S-Everyone knows everyone and we all are connected-except for your kind, remember? Plus, he is a member of the League. I hear he is in Germany.

I laughed yep, living with a fish monger. A soft, echoey, laugh responded.

J-These days continue, you will melt into nothing.

S-Tis the way of things, I'm just the current generation. There will be another either later this season or in the Fall.

J-Generations of snow piles? 

S-Yes, on this very spot. Surely you've noticed. 

J-I have.Seems rather sad. 

S-Oh, that poem and film-she sighed-it doesn't tell the whole story.

J-Ah,The Snowman. Really? How so?

S-Well, that writer did not understand the process.


S-Take my situation. I am formed and I slowly melt. My waters go deep into the ground, into the roots of the trees and grass eventually flowing into the river. The river flows into a greater river which takes my water out to the big lake, the mother of us all. When Winter arrives, cold western air flows over the warmer lake waters, the heat and moisture rise to form clouds, the clouds grow bigger and the precipitation that falls is in the form of snow. And a next generation of snow pile is formed again on this spot.

J-So, do not mourn the Snowman, his water nourishes living things in the area.


J-But what about the child, the Snowman was his friend. 

S-We are made, we live, we die. We return. Yes, it is sad for the boy but that goes with living. Life is not without sorrow. Poor apes, you don't remember anything from life to life and you suffer so much because of this.

J-Yep. That we do.

S-Oh, the chattery birds over by the entrance have said your wife has exited the building. Time to go, I am afraid. 

J-Well, thanks for the chat. Safe journey.

S-Why thank you and same to you. See you in a few months when I return.

J-How would you feel about meeting your next gen?


J-I could put you in a cup, keep it nice and chilled in the frig. When the next pile is formed, I could pour you over it to join up.

S-Intriguing! I don't know what that would be like. I, I don't know if it's allowed. Sigh. Apes, you do like to change the order of things. Your heart's in the right place, but I don't know.

J-Tell you what, you'll be around for a few more days. Think about it and I'll return. We can go from there.

S-Thank you but I will decline your offer. I would be cut off from everyone. I would be terribly lonely sitting in a cup in a frig.

J-Sure. No worries. Take care and see you on the flip side.

S-Bye, my friend.

I rose and walked to the parking lot and met C by the car.

C-Beautiful day! I'm glad you got out to enjoy it. 

Me too, I said as we gave each other a hug and a quick smooch. 

C-Any ducks or geese out by the river?

J-No, just a large pile of snow melting into the ground, on its way to Lake Michigan.



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