Saturday, March 2, 2024


On its way!

The forecast of a El Nino Winter has generally held: it's been warmer than average (except for that polar blast in mid-January) and drier than average. The official precipitation reading for February was a meager .93" with the majority (.60") arriving with the big storm of 2/27-28. Here at home, we barely received .25" from the storm and only .41" for the month. February is the driest month on average and this total was -1.30" below normal. As for snow, our average is 48" annually and so far this season, we have had only 20-25".

I read recently that signs are suggesting a El Nino/La Niná flip coming in early Summer. The result will be that temperatures will trend warmer and wetter that average.

So fellow gardeners–good luck to us all. Currently my plans of adding perennial shrubs are confined to replacing the dying Japanese willows fence line with rose of sharon and a weigela which will serve as Tomi's memorial shrub.

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