Saturday, June 24, 2023


For the past year, I have identified Sky as male but I was wrong-Sky (now Skye) is a girl. There were signs back in May when I saw her exhibiting mating behavior with another squirrel. Recently, I thought Skye was showing nipples when she prairiedogs and if I am correct, our girl is preggers. Now, squirrel fathers do not help out with raising their offspring and do not bond with the female. Curiously, there was a male hanging out with Skye yesterday, they ate together at the Diner without any disruptive behavior for a good 20 minutes. Such peaceful relations made me wonder if the male was her brother as this squirrel had a nice full tail like Bahdra. From what I have read, adult squirrels are solitary but it has been noticed that they can recognize the scent of a relative.

Skye is at right, still showing her mange marks from this past late Winter.

She should give birth 30-40 days from now. I don't know where her nest is-it's not in the big birch.

The next evening:

She is with another male at the Diner who I think is Stubbs based on how his tail looks like it has grown back-there's an odd notch on either side of the central bone spine.

It was a warm one today-89°-and Skye sprawled on top of the deck railing and on the deck itself. Whew!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pic of sprawl. And "Skye" is a nice name for a girl. "Sky" made me think of Sky Masterson in "Guys and Dolls."
