Wednesday, June 14, 2023




A couple of mornings ago, I noticed that my neighbor (top photo) and I (bottom photo) sustained a wild animal attack on our hostas. We've seen this before in the same plots but usually in the dry Fall months. The culprits are deer and this was substantiated by their dropping nearby. Why now and not in the Fall? Our drought. Curiously, I was relating this tale to an old working pal who said her daughter who lives semi-rural in the Ann Arbor area had suffered hosta losses from deer as well.


We discovered a few days ago that we had a baby bunny in residence. Things were cool until I found one morning that it had eaten a month's worth of growth on my rose of sharon twigs. I covered them. The next day, it chomped on my tithonias. I had to drag out fencing to secure the raised bed.


We were aghast to discover that MamaChuck had birthed a big litter this year. A couple of days ago, it was just one. Last night, they all tumbled out of the apartments-SIX yes SIX chuckettes! For the time being, they seemed content on mowing the grass in the Back 40 but this morning, I noticed that they had been sampling the snow-on-the-mountain and watch them sniff and nibble on the hostas and newly planted day lilies.


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