Monday, December 25, 2023



It was Buddy’s first Christmas with us. As in years past with Bin on Christmas Eve after C had turned in, we sat in front of the fire waiting for Ole Nick. Vince Guaraldi played quietly playing on the tube. Bud was curled up, his nose on his tail, eyes closed.The night’s feast had been delicious and  Bud was treated to a fresh can evening. Outside it was chilly, the sky was a bright grey overcast. No snow.

I had just put on a new log and sat down when I heard the bells. DHS’s head jerked up with his ears forward.Tis ok, Buddy, we’re having a visitor and he brings decent treats I told him. I saw his eyes widen so I turned my head in time to see a large shape emerge from the tree-lit library into the firelight of the Great Room.

J-Hola Nick! Good to see you-come and sit down. Take a load off. Now, Buddy, there’s no need to run.

N-(grinning as he sits on the loveseat) Feliz navidad, Jeff!
How is your beautiful wife?

J-Beautiful as ever-having a long Winter’s nap.

Buddy was still next to me but eyeing Ole Nick intently.

N-Hello there big guy. I knew you when you were at the House of 100 cats. Poor soul, that lady. You were up in the rafters but you purred when I gave you a scritch and a treat. Do you remember me?

I could sense Buddy relaxing.

J-How go the deliveries?

N-On schedule as always. We can still kick Amazon’s butt globally and I always give that Bezos two lumps of coal in his stocking.

J-You give Mr. Environmentalist coal for Christmas?

N-(shrugging) Naughty or nice-that’s how it works and you don’t need algorithms to figure it out.

J-Wow. Um, I have forgotten my manners. Would you care for a bit of refreshment, sir?

N-How very kind of you. I’ll have what you are having- Mother’s milk (chuckling)? The usual?

J-No, I’m finishing off a bottle of cognac I bought to flavor a couple of recipes.

N-Which kind?

J-Rémy Martin.

He nodded in approval.

I went over to the china cabinet to pull out a glass and poured Ole Nick a healthy dram. He took a nice swig and as he did so, Buddy jumped down and went over to sniff his boots.

N-(chuckling) Smells like something you can’t quite put your paws on? It’s reindeer.

Buddy jumped onto the loveseat next to Ole Nick who began to give him scritches. We quietly sipped our drinks and watched the fire.

N-I was extra efficient over the past couple of hours to give me some time to spend with you. I have news from your departed friends.

J-You do?? How are they??

N-Safely into their new lives. Madame and the dancing Calico are back in France.


N-Madame arrived as a full Chartreux back at the farm where she was first born and is a new mother. The Calico lives in Paris, of course, and is an only cat for a female grad student at the Sorbonne. It’s funny when in comes to recycling, some folks are explorers and some prefer a well-trodden path. They both said to send you and your wife their love.

J-And send ours when you see them next year. And Bin?

I poured another dram for both of us.

N-A very old soul, that one. Unlike this one here (giving Buddy a belly rub) he’s very young. Just a few recycles under his belt.

J-Is that why he does not speak like the others?

N-Yes, in part. His is an ancient lineage-the tabby’s go back to the original cats. More than any other breed, they retain the wildness of their ancestors. For some, not speaking is a way of honoring them, to stay wild even while living with your species. Others are too frightened to speak fearing what humans would do to them. Cats have been mistreated over the centuries. Then, there those like Bin. Fearless and an explorer.

J Where is he?

N-Ha! He lives with a fishmonger in Germany. Madame and the Calico always had a gripe with him, feeling that he hung out too much with the working class. But Bin maintains that they have the best grub!

J-(laughing) That’s my Bin alright. He loved his grub. A fish monger, lol-he always was a fishy cat.
J-What about Minn, Madame’s son?

N-Another fearless explorer. He recycled to Istanbul and not surprisingly, is doing well as a street cat. That is a very catcentric society.

J-I do miss them all. Last year was very hard with Madame.

N-Yes, Your wife was quite upset and since am in the business, I decided to give her a gift.


N-Madame was on her deathbed and I knew how tough it would be for her Mum. So, I left a gift and that gift was inspiration to go to the store on New Years Morning and get a new cat. And that cat turned out to be this guy (rubbing Buddy’s belly). I remembered his struggles and I thought it would be a good match. I had an inkling your wife would fall in love with him and it looks like I was right. Endless belly rubs! How can you resist?

We both laughed.

J-Nick the matchmaker!

N-I do many things.(smiling) Spreading joy and giving.

Outside, there was a jingle of bells.

N-Well, my master’s voice. Worst thing about capitalism: administrators!

We were standing, finishing the last of our drinks and he handed me his glass. I leaned forward and gave him a hug. He smelled like my mother’s kolache baking.

J-That was a wonderful gift for both of us.

N-You were grieving too.


J-Thanks for stopping by with the news from our old crew.

N-You are most welcome.

His eyes twinkled in the firelight. He reached down and rubbed Buddy’s ear.

N-And you young man, I haven’t forgotten about you.

And in a barely perceptible wave of his hand, he produced a tiny canapé of caviar on a slice of salmon, neatly placed on a napkin. Buddy let out a squeak of joy and sat down and politely ate his treat.

J-Thanks, man. Safe travels!

N-Go well my friend.

He turned and walked back into the treelit library, waved and disappeared. His Lordship let out a tiny burb. We sat on the sofa watching the fire.

J-I’m so glad you came to live with us I murmured. Buddy has brought C and I such joy. Indeed, we are firm believers that a house without a cat is not a home. We are a family.

Buddy curled up next to me and closed his eyes as I stroked his soft warm fur. I sat for awhile, thinking about it all. Buddy murmured, dreaming. The wind had come up, high in the trees and I wondered if some snow might fall. I quietly slid off of the couch, bade Buddy good night, turned off the tree lights and headed to bed and dreamland.

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