Sunday, December 24, 2023


 It was busy at the Diner

It was a dreary, wet day. I dumped out all the old seed and filled with new in the feeder. Other treats are raisin cinnamon bread, near empty jar of peanut butter filled with apple butter. Stubbs, Freddie and Big Woody are imbibing. Not shown are the chickadees.

Later, his Lordship stopped by with his holiday greeting. Wary of predators (who wants to be a meal on Jule Eve?), the crowd vanished.

For 10 minutes, the wane sun made an appearance

We dined at quarter past 5. Chicken pot pies with barmbrack (Irish fruit bread) for dessert.
Two chicken pot pies covered with puff pastry and a loaf of barmbrack.

In deep dusk, when shapes are barely recognizable, a strangely colored cat stopped by the Diner, checking out the peanut butter jar. After it left, two does visited the Diner, eating the old sunflower seeds I had put down.

Merry Christmas to one and all!

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