Monday, December 25, 2023


We were both up early for Christmas Day and finishing up with the gifting and feasting around 9.30 am, C suggested that we go for a walk. We drove to Sharp Park, just North of Lansing Mall where the trailhead for a paved, East/West path is located. It is mainly wooded running through housing developments. It was in the high 40's, wet from overnight drizzle with a light wind. The sun was trying to break out.

Early Winter colors

Curious looking vine enclosing this tree trunk

Willow leaves

Unusual bark pattern

Starlings breaking out of their murmuration

Carrier Creek-taken from bridge about a mile upstream from my old office which overlooked the stream-see Nov. 18 post.

Robins! Been mild for them and there has been plenty of crab apples for them to dine on

Nice red-tipped shrubs-a dogwood variety?

A dead tree shedding its bark like a snake leaves its skin

A trio of squirrels high in the trees

Some kind of ground cover, not sure if it is native-could not ID it with anything online

What luck! A pilated woodpecker, the largest MI woody-can grow to be the size of a crow!

His stash hole?

From the web-this is what initially caught my eye as it flew across my line of sight-beautiful B/W markings with a red head. Snazzy!

Old tree

Moss on rotting trunk that looks like a dinosaur skull

When we emerged from the woods, the sun was out and warm on our faces. 50°- my car thermometer read. A pleasant day for 25th of December.

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