Sunday, October 23, 2022



Madame became upset about the writing pad and pen on the sofa next to me. "Why are you putting something between us?" she demanded.


With certain things, C is persistent, like keeping Madame groomed. Molls on her best day will tolerate 4 Mississippi's before objecting which escalate in pitch and frequency if C ignores her. Recently, Molls picked up some kind of sap on her coat creating two long sticky strands about an inch long. For three days straight, C would insist on a grooming session much to Moll's displeasure. Finally, C won out and the strands are gone. "Now, doesn't that feel better, dear?" C would ask. Madame's eyes would narrow and her ears begin to move back in evident disagreement.


They were sitting on the sofa and Molls asked Dad "how was your food?" He replied "PDT-pretty darn tasty!"

Molls breaks the forth wall: "Did you see what just happened? A classic case of someone who has lived with an academic for many years. One thing that academia loves are acronyms. Their working lives are full of them. Perhaps this just goes with any institution but what happens is that even an outsider over time will begin to create acronyms for their personal use.


Her belly full after two suppers, with Mom back home and Dad  by the fire, she jumped up onto the loveseat, the top with a permanent hollow from years of use, settled in, did a bit of grooming finally curling up and closing her eyes. 

One of the things I love about living with cats is their companionship especially when they decide to hang out next to you. They do so by choice and they really would like you to touch them.

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