Sunday, October 23, 2022



Sky, always looking up

One of the Buns appearing to taking on his Winter coat

Glowy tree and Mr. Redbird and Mr. Nuthatch

Winter's first breath: in Michigan, you know what's coming when you experience 2 rain mixed with ice events in a day. It's pretty cold aloft and often it's a precursor to the S word arriving shortly.

The birch is turning in stages. The first wave of leaf loss has been completed and the second has yet to ramp up. For now Mr. Birch is fairly green with pale yellow-green highlights. 

Saturday, C and her pal Chana were hanging out at the inaugural ReoTown Book Fair when they encountered a woman pushing a baby buggy. Inside was some critter that turned out to be an ancient, obese skunk-so old that its black fur had begun to gray. We generally don't see this out in the wild-they don't survive that long. The skunk, named Lulu, tolerated attention and scritches from onlookers.

The past couple of days, I've been hearing Red-Winged Black Birds off to the eastern marshes. They've been absent for awhile and I thought they had migrated. Perhaps they're gathering up for the move now.

During transition seasons such as this, we'll have a few days of 70's in a row. One dresses in layers as the days start cool. As the day warms, layers are removed if you are moving outside. But soon, as the day wans, it cools off in a hurry and the layers go back on.

It was a curious thing that the house that he and his new wife chose to begin their life together in turned out to be practically in sight of the office where his late wife worked.

In regards to Madame, while he jokes about "Daddy's girl" the truth about the relationship is much more mature than that.

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