Friday, April 1, 2022


Having cut cable 15 years ago, I have been blissfully ignorant (for the most part) of changes in TV advertisement. Now, many YouTube pieces have ads and it seems they have broken the taboo about using the F bomb. While not coming out and actually using the dreaded word, there can be no doubt what they allude to. 

Aimed at the African American demographic, Pine Sol uses a saying common to this group: As Fuck. Or AF. Here, they drag up the old mother-in-law harridan trope who is none too happy to hear such language in her presence, coming from the man who married her baby girl. He tries and cover the slip up by turning AF into the "G" rated "And Fresh" without a whole lot of success. The ad also brings up two kinds of cleanliness: one's environment and one's language, pointing back to the old "gonna wash your mouth out with soap" idea.

Here, Italian grandma is making Sunday gravy and says to the camera with this pronunciation: Cook LIKE a Mutha. You fill in the blank. This points to the timeless trope that it's always funny when a granny swears like a construction worker.

Sigh. But as C points out, the F-bomb is practically everywhere. After all, our last First Lady declared in a secretly taped conversation: “You know, who gives a fuck about Christmas stuff and decoration?”. Awww, poor baby.


1 comment:

  1. I think the F-bomb is now rated about PG. Soon it will be G, and we'll hear it on Disney. Then they'll need to find a new way to shock.
