Friday, April 29, 2022



He was sitting on the couch with his grey cat. "Good grief, your hair is everywhere" he complained, seeing grey filaments all over his sweat clothes. "That's because I own you, bitch" the cat replied.

He miraculously survived the war and was stationed back in the States in San Francisco. She took a train from Michigan to be with him never having been more than 50 miles from home. Her elder sisters generally did not approve.

"I couldn't pick this kid outta a police lineup" lamented the professor in the final days of the term. "He so rarely came to class and never to conferences."

While she had no regrets moving to her new home, every Spring she experienced a twinge of disappointment. For 25 years living in Paris, the lily of the valley bloomed in time for May Day. But now, having moved to a place in a more northern latitude, they bloom several weeks later.

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