Saturday, April 30, 2022


The squirrel baffle has been installed and so far has been successful at deterring the squirrels from shimming up the pole to access the feeder. Puck went to the nearest limb and sat there for some time doing major gozintas* to figure out how to reach his goal. C wondered if there has been urgent conversations around the dinner table and with neighbors concerning this new barrier to a food source. But then we thought, "naw, they are pretty solitary and regard other squirrels with utmost disdain, so probably not." I thought about whether they might drag in the Squirrel Liberation Front and inwardly groaned. Just what we need, a bunch of black bereted extremists running around and causing havoc.  Attacking our ancient dowager Molls during her now limited patrols, razing new plants, trying to get into the attic, keying the car with their claws. Hopefully, they haven't started a martyrs brigade with little explosive vests. Oi vey!


*Jethro Bodine referred to his cyphering abilities with multiplication and "go-zin-ta's as in "five gozinta five one times, five gozinta ten two times" etc. Our friend here is engaging in far more sophisticated mathematics than Mr. Heapin' Helpin'.



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