Saturday, August 5, 2023


Aug. 2 First zucchini!

Tomatoes, fenced against attack from MamaChuck
Unlike his American cousin Freddie the Freeloader, whose name is a pejorative, our Freddie is vaguely Cockney. He and I have a routine:
F: 'ullo guv, got yur nuts?
J: I do, thank you for asking. And you?
F: You bet guv!
And I toss the peanuts.
For the first time in our 247 years as a nation, we have a former president running for the position again with obvious ideas, in my opinion, of being a tyrannical dictator.
How is this going to end? Toxic traits of a narcissist get worse with age-bitterness, vengeful, lack of empathy, self-absorbed, reclusive, entitled, full of perceived enemies-all become more pronounced. If it's an ordinary person, often they drive people away and die alone. If they're wealthy, they can always buy companions although it becomes a whirling turnstile because the narcissist is batshit crazy and impossible to endure.
Such behavior turns up as cautionary tales in Shakespeare, Classical myths, and the Bible. A modern fantasy version:
Having failed to be elected again despite all the threats and legal machinations, Roach is convicted of multiple felonies. But his mental and physical health are deteriorating. Son-in-law Jared Kushner steps in and offers a deal: voluntary exportation but, (and this is not revealed) it is a one way ticket with no hope of return. Jared has made arrangements with his friends running Dubai and in a ploy to appeal to Roach's still enormous ego, he is offered a reality show to MC. And a fabulous home and personal staff. Roach is delighted when told that his legal troubles are over and that he has this new show and eagerly sells off all his properties in the US and moves. Yet, Roach is so out of it that he does not realize that the show makes him look like a clown. He rants and raves, goes off script and minders walk right onto the stage to prod him into functioning as MC. He thinks this is a tribute. But it is not. It is Jared's revenge. 

Jared has hated the old man nearly from the start when he began to date Ivanka. That sick fuck who lusted for his own daughter. You see, Jared dearly loved Ivanka. Never in his wildest dreams would a schlub like him ever have a wealthy, tall, doe-eyed blonde agree to marry him. That old man hurt her. Jared made sure that no matter where he was on the planet, his calendar would always be clear on show night so he could watch the old man humiliate himself in front of millions of viewers. He would settle down with his favorite food and drink, get a nice buzz, watch and smile.
I've been watching the newest "Justified" which is set in Detroit. The show will ID locations at various parts of the episode and I was startled to see one labeled as "Grosse Point". WTF!!! Does no one keep track of this stuff? Sloppy and it makes FX look like smucks. They will probably wave it all off like C's freshmen students who often respond to a spelling or use correction such as there, they're, their: "well, people know what I mean."

PS-I gave up on the show-it doesn't hold a candle to the first season. The writing is dull and clichéd, the supporting characters and the bad guys are meh. Olyphant seems listless.
Yesterday evening, MamaChuck chowing down on a half-eaten green tomato she left on the deck which was relocated to the diner.

This morning, I woke to find this. Now, this is circumstantial and it could very well have been the coons but I put my money on Mama. The girl seems to have acquired a taste for tomatoes. Or vengeful.  

I'm getting my normal summer tan-a red brown sugar man.
In a house with cats, after several years, throws do well on the tops and cushions of sofas and loveseats. Buy them wide enough to fold a couple of times. One side is for everyday 
where claws are sure to pull up threads. The flip sides are used when company comes over. 

A couple of species at the communal bath

The hydrangeas looking rosy


                                                                                                                                                     Timo Oksanen

One very early warm morning in August, we drove to a field across from where I grew up to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. We parked on the side of the gravel road near the farmer's entrance to the field and walked down a rolling incline. The field was tall grass and we lay on a blanket looking north. We had timed it right as we saw a good number of of shooting stars. She had never witnessed a shower, just a single one now and again by happenstance. 
After an hour or so, we heard a car on the road above us. It stopped for 10 seconds, drove off, then quickly went into reverse and pulled into the field entrance. A beam of light turned on and swung over our heads and shone on the grass 30 yards in front of us. It was a county cop.
She began to rise, being a daughter of a State Police Colonel, to give herself up. I grabbed her and pulled her down close to me, shaking my head "no". After a few minutes, the light shut off and the car backed up and drove away. From our vantage point, we watched the cop's headlights turn north on the paved road we drove in on. We settled back to the Perseid's, chuckling.
The only butterfly I have seen this season in the garden aside from the cabbage butterflies is a black and yellow one whose constant motion defies my ability to identify. Tail or no tail is the salient question. 
All this lead to a memory of a song "The Elusive Butterfly of Love" which I never cared for. A bit too sappy for my taste. I thought the artist was either Jimmy Webb (the strings) or some soft rock group akin to Bread. Nope, it is from 1965 written and sang by folkie Bob Lind. The song was his only major hit. 
Crazy weather: August 6-63°, rainy, chilly. I'm in my sweats, no fan, the windows are closed down to about an inch. Feels like late September. 
Mcdonald's is adding a personal message when you order via the drive-thru: "Yum! Great order". Are people so needy or guilt-ridden about eating fast food that they need effin' validation to enjoy their Big Mac and fries?
Burger King countered with "You Rule!!" which is on the menu, employees are instructed to tell this when you order and because "You Rule!!", you receive a cardboard crown with your meal. So special.




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