Friday, August 11, 2023


This morning around 6 am, C woke hearing Buddy's mews. She got up to let him in and discovered him waiting in the kitchen. He had used the portal without assistance!!! Well done, sir!


We have been working patiently with him for months to use the portal. Bud seemed to have some sort of issue using his head against the plastic door to enter. We tried turning this into a fun, circus act starring The Great Bertini, the leaping tiger cat.  Bud enjoyed racing to the portal just as we opened it a wee bit with varying results. We held many lectures exhorting the positives of using the portal: 24/7 access! Especially during the Winter! No waiting! But between his head issues, his strategy of waking Mum in the middle of the night for food and scritches and his lordship's attitude of servant services, it was slow going. But we persisted and moving forward, will continue to reinforce and reward this behavior.

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