Sunday, August 20, 2023


For two days this past week, a pair of Sandhill Cranes were hanging out in the mowed field just north of our house and behind the Farm Bureau complex. This is the third year in a row that we have seen Cranes in this field at times that would indicate they are either heading to their Winter home in Florida or returning to their breeding grounds here in Michigan or farther north. It seems a bit early for them to be heading south although I wonder if our cooler temps (for August) may have inspired them.

Good grief, it was 49° when I got up at 7 this morning (August 19). The weather has been Septemberish with temps mainly in the 70's-low 80's most of August. We're supposed to get a heat wave due to a dome of high pressure meandering Eastward this upcoming week.


Turkey Bros are more active. I've been seeing them over in the Farm Bureau solar array, Benny's Diner and along the berm (pictured here).


The Little Hosta is ailing.


In the East Garden:

Tithonia beginning to bloom-a butterfly fav

Cup plants blooming


Big tomatoes coming in
I pulled the zucchini. They weren't looking good and the last 2 small fruit withered before maturing. Next year, I'll put them into one of the raised beds.


DHS visiting the rabbit burrow

A couple of evenings ago, we were having supper on the deck when we saw a young rabbit running between us and the pool with DHS hot on his trail. They disappeared behind the honeysuckle. After 5 minutes, a visibly agitated Buddy reappeared: the bun had outrun him and his Lordship was quite put out. He ran around half-crazed to burn off his predator adrenaline and frustrated disappointment: he failed to make his kill. He remained amped up for a good hour until he finally came in, ate, came into the great room where we were watching a movie and snuggled his back up next to Mum's thigh.

For days since, I have seen him over at the rabbit's burrow located in the large brush pile behind the shed. I am sure the rabbit's scent is strong around there and coming across this, reminds Bud of his failing and perhaps thoughts of revenge.

At the Diner:

Mr. Redbird and the glowy hydrangeas.

Lil' Woody (Downy woodpecker)

It was closing time and I had gone out to bring in the feeder. We do this every evening otherwise we are guaranteed that the coons will smash it down overnight. Woody was staying put and ignoring me. I kept approaching and he was adamant about finishing his meal, his eye glaring at me. Finally, within a foot and moving my right arm, he flew off. Customers...


Unknown 60's comic whose patented catch phrase was: "Is it not great when problems disappear?" leading to inevitable tales of wives, kids, in-laws, bosses, co-workers, neighbors, pets, machines, houses-on and on. Life, in general.


I came across this while surfing YT-"Positive and uplifting music to relax and pray. Well, I had to investigate this: will it be "Bringing in the Sheaves" or "Onward Christian Soldiers" to a cheesy reggae beat or generic reggae with a Christian marketing label slapped on. Alas, it is the latter. There is a play list but nothing I recognized. To be fair, my knowledge of such music is quite limited. 


Also found on YT:

That's right, 3.10:47 of Euopean Forest scenery with tasteful Eurosynth music. Caveats:

*Can cause drowsiness especially when watching after imbibing alcohol, cannabis or hallucinogens or...

*You may decide to stay up all night. 

*You may not go into work. Why destroy your bliss? 

*Divorce papers may be in your future depending on your partner's tolerance. 

Be advised that you cannot sue the filmmakers. Parents tried after their teenager began watching incessantly, failed in school and parents blamed them for turning the kid into a drug user as he wanted to enhance his experience. The judge threw out the case but forced the filmmakers to put the words "Relaxation Film" on every scene. You've been warned.


The perfect thing to have on while serving hash brownies to your faculty pals. -Faculty Lifeline

Great background muzak when forced to entertain your asshole father-in-law just to piss him off. As well as serving  Old Milwaukee beer to this beer snob who usually drinks stuff that costs $120/6 pak. -anonymous, soon to be divorced

Creative use in the dorms after a tough week. Get together with friends, get stoned and see who makes it through all 3.10:43 and stays awake. The contest goes the entire term and the grand prize is $100 and free license for bragging rights.-Dorm Times

It pairs well with David Lynch.-High Days Magazine

This is not entirely satire-C has told me that she has watched "relaxation" vids that come with warnings not to listen to while driving, operating machinery or tools etc.

Dictator, Admiral-General Haffaz Aladeen, who risked his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed. 
Our own El Hefe's excuse for not doing the presidential candidate debates is that the host, Fox News, always (in his opinion) uses unflattering photos of him. Poor baby.


It's a hot Sunday afternoon and Bud is chillin' under the ceiling fan.

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