Saturday, February 11, 2023


Our comely Calico Ms. Tomi modelling our rug.
All our cats loved C's Caucasian rug bought in Paris and Buddy is no exception. This superb piece of weaving craftsmanship shows through as it has held up to years of claw abuse: stropping, beating, hiding under, folding weird shapes with their claws. Perhaps the weaver had cats and often wove rugs for people who had cats. Indeed, the hair of his resident cats ended up woven into the rug with their faint scent lingering there forever.


When C lived in Paris during her catless years, she had an African Grey Parrot named Alice, shortened from Alice Grey which C had envisioned as a Jane Eyre character. Another persona was Italian as C had spent summers in Tuscany: Alice delle ceneri-Alice of the ashes. Alice's red tail inspired a friend to remark that Alice looked like an elegant lady who had taken her scarf and attached it behind her dress (via a belt) as a fashion statement. Alas, Alice succumbed to a bacterial infection after four years with C.

I view with deep affection, C's devoted and tender maternalness towards our Buddy. It seems to be the closest we'll get to having a youngun of our own, especially this late in life. Not of our creation, not related by blood or species, we've agreed to care for and love this big guy. The other night, C remarked on some behavior and termed it that of a reckless teenager. "Well, I said, at least we don't have to worry about Buddy riding motorcycles."


Curious segue while YT surfing: A Starbucks ad statement that in a world of divided people, a little kindness goes a long way (an experience found especially at your local Starbucky's) followed by The Supremes' song-"My World is Empty Without You".

It says a lot about the two men: at their dance with their wives at the Inaugural Ball, The Roach had chosen "My Way" whereas Obama and Michelle danced to "Let's Stay Together".

Mr. Coon having a sugar rush after consuming the 2 paczki I had put out

More harbingers of Spring: the skunks are out and about and leaving their telltale calling card wafting around the Back 40; the 3 Mourning Dove couples from last year were having a snack at the diner.

I heard this call the other day but didn't know what it meant until I looked it up. I know most of their calls by now and this was different. I scanned the trees and finally caught sight of a couple at my neighbors. They were on the same limb facing each other. She issued her statement and turned but the dude didn't follow. She went off. Later, I saw them spiraling up a tree chasing each other. I wondered if it was Izzie.

In traditional Romani culture, women cannot wear one piece apparel-the top must be different from the bottom as the bottom is considered unclean.

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