Sunday, December 11, 2022


The crow bros have been visiting. Yesterday after the snow, the three came and perched together on the birch before dropping one by one to snack on the seeds I'd left on the giving stone.

It reminded C of a very old English folk song "The Three Ravens" printed in the song book "Melismata" compiled by Thomas Ravenscroft and published in 1611, but it is probably older than that.

There were three ravens sat on a tree,
Down a down hey down hey down.
They were as black as they might be,
With a down.
Then one of them said to his mate:
"Where shall we our breakfast take?"
With a down derry derry derry down down.
Down in yonder greenfield,
Down a down hey down hey down.
There lies a knight slain under his shield;
With a down.
His hounds they lie down at his feet,
So well they their master keep.
With a down derry derry derry down down.
His hawks they fly so eagerly,
Down a down hey down hey down.
There is no fowl dare him come nigh
With a down.
But down there comes a fallow doe,
As great with young as she might go.
With a down derry derry derry down down.
She lifted up his bloody head,
Down a down hey down hey down.
And kissed his wounds that were so red.
With a down.
She got him up upon her back
And carried him to an earthen lake.
With a down derry derry derry down down.
She buried him before the prime,
Down a down hey down hey down.
She was dead herself ere evensong time.
With a down.
Now God send every gentleman
Such hounds, such hawks and such a leman.
With a down derry derry derry down down.


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