Sunday, December 25, 2022



These days, her eyes closed more often during a scritch session. I hoped my stroking motion brought back soothing memories of her mum who did this sort of thing when she was a kitten.

Odd, in a time of evergreen, lights and hope, to have a family member dying. But, that is the main selling point of Jesus: belief in him will relieve you of the anxiety of death. Follow me, he said, and you will have eternal life and happiness. 

Bin, of course, would say that this idea is already known amongst all other living creatures on the planet except us. "The whole Jesus thing is simply another interpretation of the reincarnation cycle with the peculiar Ape spin: you guys just have to have some kind of leader to be followed. That, tends to be problematic for your species."

The evening when the winter storm was to begin, C saw snow on the back deck and thought it had arrived. She quickly realized this was not the case, what she saw had been here for a bit and she murmured "Oh, that's old snow." 

Well, the "old snow" was offended. "Whattyamean old? Hell, I'm a survivor! Everyone else has melted away and I am still here. Soon my brothers will arrive in a multitude and merge with my being. We could be here 'til Spring. Watch your step out here, asshole. Wouldn't want you to fall."

My, someone is sensitive and totally lacking in the holiday spirit. Whatta Grinch!

It's curious when a relative sends you an obit enclosed in their Christmas card. Happy holidays! your aunt is dead!

Her world is shrinking. No more outside patrols or going downstairs. She doesn't have the strength to jump onto the couch by herself. She mainly rests by the Christmas tree, in the library, in the closet or down the hall especially by my bedroom door.

Poll: images of Red Birds was the top choice of holiday cards sent to us leading the pack with a total of four. Critters of all sorts dominated the image list.

Curious when after five solid days of high winds, it becomes calm often in the evening. I believe this is signalling the beginning of a change in the weather.

My Uncle Tilly, who was married to my Mom's sister, flew aircraft in the '30s. I remember him telling me that the best conditions for take-off was either at dawn or twilight, when winds are generally at their calmness.

I was in the market searching for Shake n' Bake. Kroger had moved it in a weird spot during one of their many, recent resets and I couldn't remember. I was in a hurry and thought I'd as a clerk who looked to be ordering. He had no idea of what I was looking for. He was probably 19. Weird, I thought, is this product so old school that no one uses it anymore? Or, he grew up in a house where they didn't eat meat. I suggested he look its location up on his handheld scanner which he did and found it. Next aisle, he said. The scanner showed the iconic image on the box yet it did not ring a bell. He apologized thinking I was pissed. Not to worry I said, there's a zillion items in the store and it takes a while to learn where they are. I used work for this company. He was relieved.

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