Friday, December 16, 2022


Parked in front of me in the Kroger parking lot was a junker covered with numerous hand-painted messages. The central theme was pro-choice, women's rights, MI proposal 3 etal. One, painted directly on the trunk caught my eye:

Dead Men Don't Rape

Yikes! What was this about? So, I googled the phrase and came up with this:

This is Delilah Bon, whose music fuses hiphop, punk and nu metal. One of her songs is entitled Dead Men Don't Rape. I drilled down further and found that this is a quote from the executed female serial killer Aileen Wuornos. As a sex worker, she claimed that all her victims had either raped or attempted to rape her.

All of which, including the actions by Wuornos, point to female rage. While pretty extreme for some, it is understandable. It's 2022 and in so many ways, it's the same old shit for women. Sometimes, rage is all you have left when folks aren't listening.

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