Tuesday, March 15, 2022



From Uncle John’s Funniest Ever Bathroom Reader:

Overdubbing bad words for movies that air on network TV with words that kinda sound like bad words that aren’t. With silly results:

The Exorcist (1973)
The possessed Regan informs Father Karras that his mother “sucks $#**!!! In hell!”

Small screen: “Your mother sews socks that smell!”’

Gosh, that must have crushed the poor Father’s heart to hear such a thing about his beloved mama.

One envisions the team responsible for the dubs holed up in some swank LA hotel with plenty of alcohol and cannabis to dream these up. Not a bad gig but probably management had to assign someone to be the designated sober person to help focus the team. Otherwise, there would be an enormous amount of time jumping into wabbit holes.



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