Sunday, October 24, 2021



Our weather continues its unsettled patterns with a warm Fall especially in the evening. This lack of cold has impacted noticeably on the leaf color which have been pretty drab on many species. Our average first day of frost is October 3/4 (depending on the source) so you can see things are off schedule. Finally this morning, we had our first frost. It was pretty foggy and around 8.30, my thermometer read 32 degrees and I noticed frost was beginning to form on the roofs and lawns in the neighborhood. It was short-lived as the temp rose to 34 an hour later and the frost melted quickly. It was cold enough, though, to impact the tender coleus which are  now looking worse for wear.

In other seasonal goings-on this week: Senor Junco made his first appearance on Saturday; a few monarchs are still feeding on the waning tithonia and butterfly bushes; I was surprised to hear midweek Red-winged Blackbirds off towards the woods; and we fired up the fireplace for the first time on Saturday night. 

NWS, NOAA and The Old Farmer's Almanac have released their winter forecast: above normal temperatures and precipitation. I can dig the warmer weather, considering that a number of sources, at this point in time, are predicting a 50% increase in heating costs. I really don't want to hear about utilities pleading poverty next year. I do not dig having to shovel more of the S word. Maybe we will luck out and it will be warm enough to just rain.

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