Thursday, October 28, 2021


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Not an Onion satire, this clip was produced by the United Nations Development Program with Jack Black as the voice of the critter. While clever, it's slickly Hollywood with clichéd surging score and shameless tearjerking in a Feed The Children way. I suppose the over-the-top presentation does the job of getting attention but on the other hand, it veers into common parody that is SNL's stock in trade. I imagine the calculation by UNDP is to spur change by any means to inspire the world's male leaders to get off their duffs and do something substantial about the climate crisis. Clearly, the dudes are upset and offended by the righteous scolding of a pig-tailed school girl with asperger's syndrome. The nerve of that girl! Bend down before your betters, kid, you need to learn that people do not speak to us in that manner.

Meanwhile, let's cut to the chase: trillions of individual lifeforms on the planet are at risk because of a handful of rich men. Based upon their actions, it's obvious that they don't care about anyone or anything else but their Gollumesque clinging to wealth and the power it brings. Hell, they know they have time left in their lives before the shit hits the fan and if things go south early, they have made the delusional calculation that their wealth can keep them comfortable and safe. As for their children and grandchildren, I can't see that they give a shit. Yer on your own, kids!

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