Sunday, May 28, 2023


It was about 8.30pm last night and still light out when I went to get a refill and see what was happenin' outside. I reach the big windows overlooking the Diner and I see 2 mature Stampies battling over a mostly empty Jif Peanut Butter jar I had put out. The jar was being tossed around as they jostled like soccer players and I'm sure one it was BigMama who won. The loser ran off under the pool deck and around the pool. Meanwhile, I am concerned where the Budster is and thankfully, the DHS was hunkered down in his favorite spot on the raised bed, keeping an eye on things. BigMama proceeded to get down to business:


You're not cooperating!                

Mmmmm, got my whole head in!

The next morning...

Pretty much clean as a whistle! Hell, she even took off the label! Perhaps she thought it was required for recycling.

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