Monday, May 8, 2023


Nothing like doing some grooming in the Spring sunshine

We're starting our 5th month together and the three of us have settled into a routine but still learning each other's ways and quirks. Buddy is very much like a human teenager: stays up late and sleeps until noon-1pm. Mr. Crepuscular can be problematic for C, who gets up often during the night. He's delighted to see her and will twine around her ankles (not a good thing for us Elders especially if we're half-awake) until she feeds him a few treats while quickly pivoting to get back to her bedroom. He's a bit miffed at her absence and will gallop up and down the hallway, mewing. We hope this will be resolved once we can teach him to use the portal. "But then I don't get any treats" Buddy complains. "You always have kibble" we reply. "MEOW"! Kids...

 At the end of her yoga session last night, C was in the Savasana or resting pose. The female presenter in a calm voice said "lie there and if your mind begins to wander, bring it back to the breath"...

at which point an ad broke in with a loud male voice: 

..."with the fastest acting antacid on the market!"

Man, talking about harshing your mellow! 


This Sunday morning, I found C and Buddy out on the couch. She was up early, awakened by T-storms so she wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of joe and a book, with Buddy nestled in between her legs and the couch. He was on his back, getting endless belly rubs (a specialty at Chez Mom). She had to get dressed for commencement so she wrapped Bud up in the blanky.

C, in full commencement regalia, giving Buddy a scritch before leaving. Her robe is quite striking, unfortunately not showing here, but within the 3 yellow "stripe" is a medium navy blue.

Nice vid on YouTube with critters named and the soundtrack is that of nature, mercifully sparing us the tinkle tinkle piano that so often accompanies such shows. A great vid to sit down with kids/grandkids-educational with excellent high resolution and amped colors for the adults. Highly recommended.


I was driving past my childhood home a few weeks ago and saw that the daffodils my father planted for my mum nearly 70 years ago were still alive and in bloom for another Spring.
This afternoon, I saw 2 male cardinals engaged in WWI style dogfights in the airspace over the Back 40. While the two guys duked it out, the female enjoyed several minutes of a quiet, solitary meal at the Diner. Was this Iona waiting for Slick to ward off some unwanted suitor?

A series of investigations by NYT and others have revealed that many well known corporations are using child labor to produce their products including Ben and Jerry's. How does this happen? Well, many companies outsource to employment agencies to provide workers. Such a hassle to keep it internal! I suspect that this also enables companies to turn a blind eye to certain practices and keep production and profits flowing! So when they are investigated and called out for labor violations, they are shocked, shocked I tell you, that such things are going on. "We didn't know. That was the employment agency's job to take care of such things." 

Hmmm. No one knew? Bullshit! You thought you could whistle past the regulatory graveyard with plausible deniability. If caught, you can also pull out the nonsense from Jr. High: everyone else is doing it. 

An ugly, totally untrue rumor: yet another contributing factor in all the cancers and related diseases in this country: PFAS in Poptarts. Yep-wonder how they manage not to melt or catch fire in the toaster? Heat resistant (up to 500F) polymers, baby!  Since 1964. 

While researching this fake news, I happened across the bonafide official Poptart website (US) and their latest tagline rips off the Christians with WWPTD: 
What Would Pop-Tarts Do? 
WTF!!! Now a dose of moral philosophy for the kiddies with their sugar buzz? What does this even mean? According to the website:

What would
Pop-Tarts® Do?

Wish every day could feel less everyday? Ask yourself, What Would Pop-Tarts® Do?

Awww, my life is so ordinary. So everyday. I'm such a loser. No one watches my Tic Toks. I have 5 followers on Instagram.

Hey, I can fix it with a substance and that's what WWPTD!   And in a few years, I'll graduate to fentanyl.


The moral WWPTD: you see a homeless woman panhandling in front of your Whole Foods store. Do you:
a) ignore Mrs. Stinky b) call the police (especially if they are darker than a piece of typing paper) c) fling your half-eaten Poptart out of your Mom's car at the woman as you drive by
d) you do nothing. This tagline is a cynical appropriation of some church thing trying to expand marketing into the evangelical demographic. It means nuthin' to you.

I am not joking. WWPTD exists.
Some folks just are disaster-prone. We all have known someone like this, perhaps it's a hapless uncle or co-worker. Born under a bad sign, the planets align-these poor folks just can't catch a break. They constantly lose their keys, iphones, get their credit cards hacked, inexplicably fall down and break something, get some weird disease no-one has heard of...outside of Gambia, shutoff notices get lost in the mail as well as their IRS filings, gas gauge on the car goes on the fritz and they are stranded in the middle of nowhere with no phone because they had dropped it in the men's room 2 hours ago, they miss the meat recall notice on TV and you guessed it, they ate that meat last night. 
On and on for these poor souls. Now, I know it ADD could be a contributing factor in many cases. Some, just aren't the brightest crayon in the box while others (overwhelming male) are their own worst enemy. Usually it's the case of not listening to others who are trying to help. Who needs the instruction manual?
Either way, a helluva way to go through life.


1 comment:

  1. I think I know who inspired the "accident-prone" post.
