JK |
From Radiohead's Subterranean Homesick Alien 2017:
I wish they'd swoop down in a country lane
late at night while I'm driving.
Take me on board of their beautiful ship
show me the world as I'd love to see it.
When the administration caught wind that she frequently lectured while drone footage was projected behind her of some of the most beautiful spots on the planet, she was dismissed for "subversive grooming" her students to the consequences of climate change.
One of his fondest memories of her final years was sitting on the couch, listening to music by the picture windows, giving her scritches, strokes and rubs and getting loving, tiny rough tongue licks in return.
The agent for an online clothing company ad spoke with such annoyingly languorous vocal fry that one wondered why anyone should bother ordering.
It was a curious experience, listening to music and watching film while a very loud birdsong sonically penetrated the room and adding to the soundtrack. Different days, different species would star.
Unknown 50's music group, Nuthatch and The Chickadees had an unusual schtick: the lead singer performed upside down.
Smart cat: having the sensitive ears all felines possess, upon hearing that the music was turned up, she would vocalize rather than window tap when she wanted in through the slider door.
The steady breeze that afternoon was like a kaleidoscope for her nose when she sat in her blind.
All people possess some worthwhile trait, even those who are otherwise completely evil. For example, serial killer Aileen Wuornos had beautiful handwriting.
In her elder years, Madame enjoyed having a tablespoon of cream in her dish before retiring for the night.
The squirrel siblings loved to chase one another around the yard and spiraling around tree trunks. The male often would be in the middle of eating a peanut when his sister would initiate a new round and he would seen joining in with a peanut in his mouth. Like one of those guys who spends half the morning with a plastic coffee stirrer hanging out of his mouth.
Their traditional Arabic music was loud enough to hear while they suppered on the deck. High above, a sky janitor picked up on the sound and began a gentle spiral, slowly decreasing altitude. A yellow finch sitting on one of the high wires above the Back 40 picked up on the jazzy violin and began to sing. Two others flew over and joined in an elaborate tapestry of call and respond.