Saturday, June 29, 2024


Some music:
This month's full moon is the Strawberry moon. A vid with cool visuals for Nick Drake's "Pink Moon" from 1972:


A 1996 one-hit wonder from alt-rock group Primitive Radio Gods "Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand", a piano-driven ballad over a hip-hop  backbeat, which heavily sampled B.B. King's "How Blue Can You Get?". 

 Origin of the Ouija board:

From Wiki:  As a part of the spiritualist movement, mediums began to employ various means for communication with the dead. Following the American Civil War, mediums did significant business in allegedly allowing survivors to contact lost relatives. Use of talking boards was so common by 1886 that news reported the phenomenon taking over the spiritualists' camps in Ohio. The Ouija was named in 1890 in Baltimore, Maryland by medium and spiritualist Helen Peters Nosworthy. Following its commercial patent by businessman Elijah Bond on July 1, 1890, the Ouija board was regarded as an innocent parlor game unrelated to the occult until American spiritualist Pearl Curran popularized its use as a divining tool during World War I. 

Norman Rockwell cover of the May 1, 1920 issue of The Saturday Evening Post, showing a Ouija board in use.

6/23-A cold front swung through last night bringing cooler temps and thunderstorms. We got over an inch of rain and this morning, while wet, is very refreshing with temps only in the lo-70's. Everyone is a lot more comfy although Mr. Zucchini loved the heat!

6/25-Seen while out and about: wheat has turned.

Rachel Kramer

We have a baby! A month after planting!

Weather continues to be mild and wet at times. Good for deck yoga! Buddy splooting:

Being C's yoga support buddy:

Liza and Eli had a fight in the birch with plenty of tail switching and chatter:

Mr. Redbird was looking like he was coming out of his molt still a mix of old and new feathers:

6/29-storms around 4 am brought a lot of rumbling thunder and .75" of rain resulting in a very muggy morning. Buddy was pooped:

What's black and white and green all over?


 Chester with a zucchini.

Roach has suggested creating a Fight Club for Migrants. Another brilliant idea to bring back the good old days where watching people kill each other is a public sport.

How Eddie Bauer became famous-from Wiki: In 1920 at the age of 21, Bauer opened a shop located in Seattle, WA that specialized in building and repairing tennis rackets. Soon, he expanded his line to making golf clubs and fishing tackle. In 1934, he developed and patented a shuttlecock design which soon popularized badminton in the US. After a near disasterous winter fishing trip, he began work on developing a better, warmer, lighter weight jacket made of quilted down to replace the bulky wool versions. He patented the first such coat in 1940. In 1942, the US Army Air Force commissioned Bauer to create a flight parka for aircrews who flew at high altitudes. In addition to the parkas, Eddie Bauer supplied the army with backpacks, pants and sleeping bags, all of which became standard issue for American troops in the war.In 1945, he began his first mail order catalog and his initial mailing list included the names of 14,000 soldiers who had worn Eddie Bauer clothing provided by the United States Army during their service. The rest, as they say, is history.

Eddie Bauer 1899-1986

 "Bliss" Hill, iconic Windows wallpaper 1996 and today:

Archive, Patricia Chang
The hill is now a vineyard.

Bonobos and chimpanzees are the two species which make up the genus Pan and are the closest living relatives to humans. The two species became separated by the formation of the Congo River 1.5-2 million years ago-chimps live north of the river, Bonobos to the south. Differences developed as a result: Bonobos are smaller and have a matriarchal social structure vs the larger, male dominated society of chimps. One curious feature the bonobos share with our species: both will cooperate with strangers. Chimps do not. 


Water deer aka vampire deer native to Korea and China. They do not grow antlers so the tusks are used for territorial fights. 

Want something more to worry about? One of the hazards of high altitude flying in jetliners during the depths of winter over polar regions of the planet is that the pilots have to constantly monitor the temperature of jet fuel. It will start turning to gel at -22F clogging the fuel lines, starving the engines causing them to flame out. To help deter gelling, heaters are place in the fuel lines, some fuels have additives as well as changes to flight plan avoiding severe arctic cold fronts where the outside temps can reach -60F.

Fun vids:

Excellent doc on forests, learn about the inner mechanic of trees, how they impact their environment. Well worth the near hour of watch time and a great show for kids/grandkids:

A case of trees communicating with each other:

Daytime fireworks in Italy:

From Australia, the Golden Tailed Gecko:

Ad for Snapchat, a social media platform:

A beaver in the house-dam it all!

A giant 3D cat billboard in Tokyo, Japan:

 Making music with a bar code scanner:

 Releaf-sustainable paper made from dead leaves:

 Hydrophobic duck feathers help them keep dry:


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