Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Buddy was weaving figure eights around C's ankles as she went into the kitchen to feed him. She gave him our standard warning: don't trip the hand that feeds you! He continued as she made mention of his infinity patterns. I chirped from the couch: "He's saying 'I love you forever and ever, Mum' !"

Mr. Chill

I spotted Mamachuck make a beeline to the raised beds and watched her rise up on her haunches to view my tomatoes. Oh dear, I hope I don't have to fence them off. 

The next day, Mama had returned with 5 of her chuckettes. For a time they stayed to the West of the shed, wandering around in my neighbor's yard and the berm. The Diner complex was filled with 4 very active squirrels so Mama thought it prudent to keep away. 

When the squirrelies went home for the evening, the chucks moved on over.

I wonder what happened to the 6th chuckette?

Busy afternoon at the Diner:

Mrs. Red Bird and M/M Purple Finch on the feeder, Mamachuck, Liza, Eli, Stubbs at the buffet

Big Blue enjoying the waters

Liza, recognizes my voice now and will turn and bound towards me when I am tossing peanuts.


6/10-this morning I discovered that all the tomatoes had been badly nipped by the chucks. The maters are now fenced in. 

A learned a couple of things about the chucks: they are part of the family Sciuridae,  belonging to the group of large ground squirrels  known as marmots. Hmm, so they are relatives to our squirrel gang-no wonder they seem at ease hanging out at the Diner! According to the blurb, the chuckettes should be around only for another month at most. Let's cross our fingers that they aren't too clingy to their Mum!

When they aren't attacking the maters, they are following in their Mum's paw prints and enjoying the snow-on-the-mountain.

A nice example of OS European graphic design-sharp and playful:

Mid-'80's pop! Katrina and the Waves "Walking on Sunshine". 

I remember this was a big hit on Christian radio stations.


The mysterious Rongorongo tablets of Easter Island:

The glyphs:


From Wiki: Rongorongo is a system of glyphs  discovered in the 19th century on Easter Island that has the appearance of writing or proto-writing. Numerous attempts at decipherment  have been made, but none have been successful. Although some calendrical and what might prove to be genealogical information has been identified, none of the glyphs can actually be read. If rongorongo does prove to be writing and to be an independent invention, it would be one of very few inventions of writing in human history. Authentic rongorongo texts are written in alternating directions, a system called reverse boustrophedon.This is a style of writing in which alternate lines of writing are reversed, with letters also written in reverse, mirror-style. This is in contrast to modern European languages, where lines always begin on the same side, usually the left. 

Australian researchers have made a breakthrough in the technology of "water batteries":


Chinese researchers have been working on their own version as well as calcium based batteries. 

Let's see how this progresses and whether or not those powerful interests heavily vested in rare metals such as lithium move to squash this new technology.

Red Shift, blueshift and the Doppler effect-wonky.

View of the deep universe from the James Webb Space Telescope

From Space.com: Redshift and blueshift are used by astronomers to work out how far an object is from Earth, the concept is key to charing the universe's expansion. Redshift and blueshift describe how light shifts toward shorter or longer wavelengths as objects in space (such as stars or galaxies) move closer or farther away from us.

Fun vids:

Frozen bubbles under Chinese lake-they are formed in rivers and lakes when bacteria decompose organic matters in the water and expel methane gas.

 Breaking a wine glass using your voice:

A smooth knob tailed gecko-a lizard crossed with a fawn with big, Disneyesque eyes:

 Giant Buddha in China:

Sea Robin-a fish who walks:

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