Sunday, January 21, 2024


More Hey Ladies!

Not only does the Satin Bowerbird build elaborate nests, they collect piles of blue colored swag in order to impress the girls.

The other day I saw Paczki for sale in the markets. What??!! I thought. Already?? Welp, Ash Wednesday is only a month away so let's get a running start with these gut bombs where ONE can typically contain 300-450 calories with 15-25 grams of fat. I am not a big fan-one and done for the season. I like raspberry the best. And old school with powdered sugar on top. Meijer does their version with granulated. Ick.

We haven't gotten much more snow lately but it has been bitterly cold. We had a couple of -4° overnight temps with daytime highs barely getting into the teens. January thaw is coming this week with 30's and rain. Fireplace nights have been a welcomed event.

Most days Freddie and Stubbs have been out and about. I've been surprised by the lack of birds at the feeder as I would have thought that they would be fueling up all day. In the evening, our pair of rabbits stop by The Diner and they seem to be exhibiting mating behavior. It's confusing: from what I have read, adults, even siblings generally don't hang out together. Yet this pair have, starting when they were little last Spring, growing into adulthood in the Summer. So, is this a different pair? Plus, it's a tad early for mating which in these parts begins in February. Are they working on their moves, lol? Cuing up:

Buddy has adjusted well to the new routine, thank goodness. And, he uses the portal when he doesn't have a doorman.  He's been such a good lad and not awakened Mom during the night so she can rest. When he does go out during the day, I keep an eye on the clock and give him a holler after 10 minutes. He comes right in-he's no dummy. We understand his need to keep an eye on his realm. I shoveled and kept swept some paths on the deck so he can sit on bare wood.

DHS on duty.

Nice and comfy in the library in a nice spot of sun. 

Fabulous vid from 1971 Sesame Street "That's About The Size of It".

Linen, made from the fibers of the flax plant, is one of the oldest textiles made by humans dating back up to 30,000 years ago. Linen was used in ancient civilizations including Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt and is mentioned in the Bible. 
I was YT surfing the other day and came across a primer on linen making, from seed to cloth, from a gentleman in the UK. Yikes! Insanely labor intensive-I would never want to do it yet fascinating to watch. Lots of familiar terms associated with the process such as distaff which is a tool used in spinning. The day after Epiphany, is known as Distaff Day when the holiday feasting had ended and women went back to their usual work. For men, the Monday after Epiphany was known as Plough Monday, when men returned to work in the fields.

Eager YT algorithms: I was surfing and watched a show with tomato growing tips. Upon completion and clicking Home, my feed was flooded with home and garden stuff. Wow. Including: what do you do with the veggies that you have grown? Yep, cooking shows!

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