Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Ever since the below zero weather left us, we've had a string of monotonous, grey, foggy, wet, overcast days. It brings the Macpherson side out in me, yearning for Sligo, a peat fire and a dram of Jameson in hand. As a Michigander, this long stretch of unchanging weather is counter to our mantra of having a change every three days or so. After that, we tend to get cranky.

A colleague of C's has a light therapy lamp in her office and offered it for anyone to use when she is gone. The demand by her friends to the main office to give them access grew to the point where the Department Chair went out and bought one and set it up in the Department common area. That, is a thoughtful and wise action by a manager and my hat's off to her.

$40 bucks from Amazon.

Meanwhile, the inch of snow we received yesterday is already gone as well as the pond in the Back 40. Rumor has it that Friday afternoon the sun will return and hang around for a few days. Mild temps in the lo-40's. What a pleasant change from this:

Diner news: well, the coons are up and they are hungry, perpetrating nightly attacks on the feeder.

I guess we'll have to begin bringing it in every evening again. Sigh. 

Big Woody has returned and Nutkin is now a regular. With warmer weather, I imagine the skunks will be up soon. Stubbs, Freddie and the Jays receive daily peanuts.


Buddy was dismayed to see the white stuff again (we feel you, bro) and was a tad pesky about going in and out. With milder temps and things drying out, he will be able to spend more time patrolling the realm.

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