Friday, July 28, 2023



The Elephant's Foot was created as the result of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor core meltdown becoming a lavalike substance Corium that burned through nearly seven feet of reinforced concrete. This photo was taken by sending a remote device as it was determined that the radiation was so fierce that a human standing next to it would receive a lethal dose in less than 300 seconds.

Ten years later, the radioactivity had decayed so scientists had a bit more time to take readings. The photo below is a timed selfie taken by Artur Korneyeu. The blurred figure is the result of movement in the time-lapse. The graininess is from the radiation.

Thirty years later, one had 60 minutes before receiving a lethal dose of radiation. The radioactivity continues to degrade but this object is still considered extremely dangerous.

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