Sunday, July 9, 2023


It's annoying to have YT trying to entice me to speak to the Smart TV.

"Find: watch faster with Voice" 

Try Voice

Be more productive! Be Efficient! Why waste Time! Bad work habits begin at home!

American neurosis with smells: the huge market of plug-ins and sprays, some containing micro-chips that will notify you when it's time to replace so you don't go a single second without this device pumping some weird, industrial "natural scent" continuously into your environment. 

Now, you just gotta wonder what are the long-term effects on your health (gasp, and your family's)? And you also have a gas stove? Oi Vey! 

Misseen while out and about: we were on a road trip to familiarize C with her 2-laner route to Saugatuck where she is taking a workshop later this month. In the village of Middleville located South of Grand Rapids, we saw a sign for Beefer Gore Funeral home. Now, there's a lot of cattle raising in the area and I thought "wow, there are so many deaths from cattle horns that there is a funeral home dedicated to these poor souls." Well, no. The  cursive "f" was actually a fancy "L" so the name is actually Beeler Gore. 

When we reached the Ox Bow workshop compound, we were greeted by a very tame doe.

Finally, we have had several days of showers. Yesterday, we had 2 downpours that brought .75" in a half hour! I had finally gone out and mowed the lawn. People moan and cry about their brown lawns yet after a week with a scant accumulation of half inch of rain, they were greening up nicely. Relax folks, it doesn't take that much!

I learned a new word: when squirrels flop like this when it's hot out, it is called "splooting".

A warm and muggy afternoon

He like to make "Os" with his tail

One early evening, it was evident that Buddy was in a hunting mood. Normally, he doesn't mess with customers at the Diner but this day, he scared a couple of patrons out of their minds by sitting under the feeder and looking up. After 10 minutes, he sauntered under the Birch and over to the corner of the shed to give it a sniff to see who may have marked it. He disappeared behind the shed, then returned walking the grassline in front of the honeysuckle and went behind the pool. We are not sure if he was successful but he was out all night.

Like Bin and Molls, Buddy enjoys getting damp, then coming in for Mom for a drying session. Mom was busy and I heard her say "we only offer a limited drying service, sir. You may finish up using the carpet."

Blue Mantis shrimp found in subtropical and tropical waters

Front view

And, if you have kids interested in such things, here's a Blue Mantis from Palaeoplushies!

Who knew?

The leatherback sea turtle is the largest of all living turtles.


Curious evolutionary fun fact: if an egg is incubated in temps below 81.86°F, it will be a male. If the temps are above 88.8°F, it will be female.

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