Saturday, July 1, 2023


The return of the Chucks-MamaChuck and a youngun have returned.

The kid who was aggressive towards the squirrels at the Diner, not cool dude.

Mama enjoying the discarded melon used for bait-yeah, you keep enjoying that.

 They're back:


The boys are back in town! Mating season is over and the Turkey bros were over at Benny's Diner then hopped the fence to wander in the vacant lot. I hope they all were successful in finding a mate so no one gets cancelled like Todd last year.

Finally, a bit of rain 6/25-26 but less than .25". Nevertheless, everything is wetted down and one could hear a sigh of relief from the critters and plants. I'm glad I did all the watering this past week with this small amount in addition. When I was out and about, I could see dying trees and shrubs all over town. I've been keeping rainfall records for 5 years now and nothing comes close to our 2 month deficit. And, for these 5 years, there have been dry summers which probably stressed these dying plants. It really points to how precarious our situation is, that 2 months of little rain and temps in the 80's would be enough of a tipping point. I fear what will happen when 2 months becomes 6 and the temps even higher.

PS-more rain during the late afternoon of 6/26. Gauge showed about .40". Better than nothing but not enough.

PPS-month ended with 1.09" for June. We're at a 4.5" deficit vs normal for May and June combined.


We replaced some of the deck planks and were pleased how the new wood broke up the monotony of grey.

We both thought of a monochrome Mondrian:

Gem from Bart Simpson's chalkboard:

I was YT surfing and came across The Doors' "You're Lost Little Girl"-one of their creepy tunes. I remembered that in high school the group had widespread appeal, but there was a small, hardcore bunch who REALLY dug them. They were secretive and druggy.
Mystery: the skunk at right first appeared in mid-May, some-times with BigMama. This week, a smaller skunk showed up with similar markings-same big white head, shoulder stripes and nearly all black tail. Now, according to online sources, our skunks mate February-March and have a 60 day gestation period which would put the births May-June. So, is the new one a smaller sibling or a later birth?
Zucchini flowering, babies on the way!

June 27-July 1-smoke alert #2 for the year, this time from wildfires in Quebec.
Our resident Nutkin (red squirrel) with a quite fetching black racing stripe between his reddish brown top and creamy white belly.
Calla lilies in bloom next to the calla fountain, Bimini shells and blue fescue grass

Ah youth-Lowell and I on the front porch of the Omega Hotel. We all thought we were so cool and sophisticated living away from Ma and Pa, growing our hair long, drinking and doing drugs, having pre-marital sex, reading Tolkien and listening to Genesis, King Crimson and Dave Bowie.
Purple finch and gold finch shared the feeder for a good five minutes. 

A languid Buddy on a hot afternoon with his interpretation of a tree limb on the Serengeti.   

Keeping an eye on MamaChuck

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