Saturday, January 28, 2023


David Crosby, member of the Byrds and Crosby, Stills, Nash (and Young), died on January 18. Go well, brother.

c.1974 me and my best pal Lowell letting our freak flag fly


I was cleaning and chopping some leeks the other day and came across this curious curvy cross section:

As I related the background story of Buddy to a friend: born in the wild; captured, neutered, released with a docked ear for future identification; rescued from a Hoarder house where he had been bullied; sent to a foster home for socialization and finally, taken to an adoption agency for hopeful placement in a home, it struck me how this easily parallels the experience of a young human. There are those who take on the challenge to bring up a child with a difficult past and some do this multiple times. Good on them. I don't have that kind of courage.

Mrs. Redbird grabbing a snack after a recent snow


Buddy's newest daytime place to snooze: Mom's chair in her office. Note the Lisa Simpson "Smart Girl" coffee cup on the desk.


True to form, Buddy's Mom the Professor, bought him an educational toy. A small form obstacle course containing four levels of progressive difficulty, whose goal for the participant is "find the treats." Buddy snarfled through level 1 and 2 (the middle courses), managed to get his paws into the level 3 clear cups (learn to use your claws!) but was stymied by level 4 and after several tries, walked away. "Well Buddy, this is something we can work on the next time we meet. Come to office hours if you need some extra help."

Few things are more sublime than when a cat chooses to curl up purring next to you for a nap.

We've decided that Buddy's latest proper name will be Longfellow as he has a very long body and tail. And of course, the literary reference to the poet. It has an Old English feel where surnames reflected the trade or physical attribute of that individual. Like King Edward I, who was known as Longshanks because of his height. He was a warring king, notably taking on the rebellious Scots led by William Wallace (featured in the movie Braveheart).

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