Monday, January 9, 2023


Awful opening for a natdoc on the oceans: "Water, the primary substance that make up our oceans..." Just weird-is their audience stupid or 3 year olds?

Surfing YouTube, I came across a v high end auto ad for the Jeep Grand Wagoneer. $90k! The ad was pushing one of the prized features: McIntosh music system. I had not heard of McIntosh stereo equipment in years and thought they had disappeared. They were considered the shit back in the day. Nope. Just got v v pricey. An integrated stereo system costs $6500!!! Yeah, nuthin' hoi polloi can afford.

C posted this on her FB feed and I immediately thought of LOTR where the Orcs rode the wolf-like Wargs into battle.



Meanwhile, a sandhill crane directs a gator to mosey off the cart path on a Florida golf course. Mr. Crane is part of a local inter-species community liaison group promoting peace amongst species. 

Crane: "C'mon on now sir, you know you are not allowed on the Ape's walkways. It upsets them and you don't really want your day ruined by an intervention by their animal control."

Alligator: "This is my home! The damn Apes have messed it up and NOW are telling me where I can or can't go. F them!!"

Crane: (gently) I understand sir. I've had the same problem. We've all suffered with the Apes. Let's just try to get along and live our lives. Hopefully, in a few generations, they'll be gone.



She remembered riding one of these at the grocery store as a kid like so many from her generation. When the pandemic came, the horses were pulled so to protect little ones from the spread of the virus. She felt a pang of sadness, having loved flesh and blood horses, thinking of warehouses full of these creatures. Not in stables but locked up in crates and crates stacked upon each other. Now that COVID has waned, she was happy to see them back in the stores, bringing momentary joy to their riders.


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